Apr 26, 2013 08:28
Since the first trailers for Star Trek Into Darkness began infesting servers all over the world, we’ve seen an enormous reduction in the downloading, Facebook cats and pornography areas (and a slight increase in Doctor Who). Justin Bieber remains a constant.
Productivity in the workplace has tanked, emails are started, but never finished or sent. All anyone wants to do is watch Star Trek Into Darkness trailers and listen to Benedict Cumberbatch say evil stuff, evilly.
This can only lead to a psychological disintegration. It’s a short hop from asking “is John Harrison Khan?” to “who is Khan?” to “am I Khan?” and then finally “who am I?” and yet it’s one that very few people appear to be worried about.
Frankly, if things continue at this rate, Star Trek Into Darkness could become responsible for the end of the internet as a global tool of communication. It will simply become a delivery system for Benedict’s black honeyed tones, and no one will notice that the film all of these trailers are supposedly talking about has never come out.
star trek!!!