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Apr 07, 2005 03:07

Yea, so I actually took time off work to have fun in the middle of the week for once. Tonight was the preliminaries for an interdormal (yea, making up words is fun) pool tournament. The top 8 players from Leitch are going to face off against the top 8 people that Bourgeois can contribute to the tournament. Tonight was the face off of 17 people trying to make it into that top 8. Luckily, and believe me you will never here me say this, the kid running the program is a hardcore republican. that came to an advantage for us since nobody likes one of the kids who made the top 5, so the kid running it decided to choose the top 8 and the kid was gone during the playoffs for top 8 so he lost by default through forfeit. it felt weird to enjoy a republican fucking someone over, cuz the kid deserved it severalfold. anyway, after we got the top 8 settled, we just kept the tournament going to see who could win for bragging rights. it was me, i won it, but unfortunately i don't feel i have bragging rights on this tourney. The pool tournament i won back in the fall was a definite, well deserved win for me. I must say, though, that this time around i was close to elimination all too many times. Em-J SHOULD have had me but a mishap called us to game 3 in a best 2 out of 3. Alycia pulled through and made it to the finals without a single loss. and joe, who is kind of a new kid to the pool people scene, definitely did a fair share of asswhooping. the cards just worked in my favor somehow though. o well. props to everyone. its unfortunate that evan and mike were playing kinda shmoopy, because they are easily two of the best, but everyone has off days, right? eh, whatever, we'll all be together kicking some Bouge ass next week. FSU with a pool cue, right? fuck i gotta finish some homework now, tourney went till almost 2, and i still got a physics lab and a bunch of chem to finish, so good night nigggs.
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