Nov 30, 2004 21:05
Well, as usual, I have somehow managed to injure myself playing rugby. Yes, I have questioned whether or not it is still worth playing, particulary because I am at such a physical disadvantage, and people will say, "it doesn't matter, blah, blah, blah, if you got heart and determination you can do it if you want." WELL, I got news for those who think that....size matters, and maybe not so much as in football, but it does matter. If you're small and light, expect to get tossed, expect to get beaten on. Sure it sounds unappealing, but the glory is when you smash someone who thinks they are going to get by you, YOU OWNED THEM. No matter what the outcome of the game is, you owned your opposition, and when you are smaller than he is, it is just that much better. Plus the comraderie in rugby is so much stronger than it is in other sports I have played, and maybe perhaps because rugby isn't like other sports (mainly American) where we seems to be more individual oriented rather than team oriented. Or maybe it is because I have become involved with teams that honor this more than other teams I have played on in the past. So, I have thought about stopping rugby for a while, (particularly as I drove home Sunday morning from NYC staring at the 2 tickets I recieved for something that wasn't my fault, but I will talk about that later) and I decided that I am going to keep playing till I can no longer play, literally, like till the day I can't physically do it. Mind you that at the pace I am going this might be in 3 or 4 years (knock on wood). But there will be a day when I just won't be able to do it anymore and I rather not have that day anytime soon, or by my choice. Everyone takes their share of injuries. There are a couple of guys on my team that are getting stiches in their faces and heads every other weekend it seems. I just get internal injuries, and while those are in no way "better," it's something that happens just cause of my size.
What I am getting at, I really don't know. Perhaps this entry is just for myself, to write down everything I have been thinking in the last few days. I need to be playing sports. I need to be part of a competitive team. Rugby has done that for me no other sport has. The players (especially the players--Southern and New Haven), the fans/supporters (yes I am finally on a team that has fans. Weird) the people I meet from around the world. To me there is too much there to not play. 2 Seasons ago I was injured half way through the season and missed the opportunity to play against a team from England, which was pretty much the game I was looking forward to playing. I went to support and watch, and it was horrible sitting there not being able to play and be a part of that action. I missed it so much. Well, now that I am injured yet once again (though not as severely as last time and it the season is over) it has made me rethink why I am playing. YES, that was the point of this entry! Anyways, to those who question why I play, and why I subject myself to the pain and injury...Well, it is all part of the game. Injuries are the bad part, but there is so much greater that happens on the pitch. Though I know most of you don't care, or others who read this play and agree, I just felt compelled to write my reasons for those who question it or don't understand. Thats all.