Nov 18, 2005 15:12
Well I got a job that I think im really going to dig, Im going to be learning how to lay ceramic tile down for bathrooms, kitchens, shower stalls and so forth. It's cool because the man who is going to be apprenticing me has been doing this for 15 yrs.+ and is hopeing to train me to essentialy take his job over and have teams working with me so that he can just run the business. Sounds like my kind of job, I always did like that kind of stuff any way.
Other than that im living on the eastern shore w. fam. for the time being, untill I can afford my own place, I don't mind it so much even though I feel like im in the middle of know where. I am anxious to see my friends for Turkey day, and am looking forward to seeing Creed and his wife for the 1st time in a too long!
I really hope to see a good turn out for the next battle, it would be nice to see Mordom field strongly to get ready for the upcoming year, hopfully 2006 will be a year of overwhelming ass kicking with plenty of new stories to be told!
Well thats pretty much it for now, i'll post again latter.
Hail Mordom!!!
Hail Kodos!!!