This post is coming a couple hours later than I intended it. I've been pretty caught up in playing FF VII lately. Also before I get into this I would like to say I don't really like to proof read the things I write, my grammar probably isn't the best, and I may at times arrange my thoughts in odd ways... so deal with it. I would also like to say
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The system laid out in the initial post (which turns personality into a Complex series of If-Then-Else statements) is incomplete. The system in its current form does exist and is used to help make every decision, but it is merely a subsystem, and is capable of being over-ridden. This over-riding force will be called free will for the sake of my argument.
Each person has at least two driving forces, or motivations. I have labeled these motivations "best for others"(A1) and "best for self"(A2). These motivations lead to the conscious decisions that make up freewill.
Before any conscious decision, such as choosing to run naked in the snow, can be made, these motivations are tested against the situation. Is running in the snow in ( ... )
Thanks, you made a lot of your opinions clearer. I'm glad that you made it clear that they affect free will in separate ways and are not the same...makes quite a bit more sense.
Hmm the exact example that came up while we were talking about it privately in fact.
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