Sep 03, 2006 08:09
hey guess what
my house is infested with ANTS!
a few days ago there was a fucked up looking bug in the ant with odd i killed it
yesterday i saw several more of these infernal beasts so i smooshed them as well...
today i come home and theres about 20 of them in my bathroom a few down stairs a few in the kitchen some crawling around being ant shit bla bla bla
so i decide to do some handy research to see what infact these so-called ants with wings are
APPARENTLY...these creatures are carpenter ants...and since they have wings after all they are QUEEN ANTS
the leaders of the pack if you will
even better to know is that they all have fucking wings
so since i've gained the knowledge that ive killed about 50 of these bitches and they're just getting more and more and more
im going to assume that the walls of my house are infested with thousands of fucking ants
hence the approximate 100 queen ants
i feel so fucking pov right now
guess whats even better
my parents are on vacation and DONT BELIVE ME
ughhhhhhh cause id make that shit up...
hey guess what theres 30+ queen fucking ants in the house -snicker-
im not a fucking mongloid
jesus christ
i think im going to stay in a motel till they get back
i feel like im on some kind of fear facor episode