State of me

Apr 09, 2015 18:12

I really suck at this posting on the regular thing, holy crap. ^_^

The weather has been really windy lately, but the past two days it's been really calm and warm, warm enough to not wear a jacket and spend some time in the garden tidying up a bit. It was slow going beause cats.

Lately most of my time is being spent on tumblr, where I'm trying to stop only reblogging stuff and actually comunicate with people. It's slow and painful and most of the time I feel like I'm talking to myself only and that's not really good for morale, but hopefully it'll get better. This entire winter has been really slow and lonely and not having a job is really bad for my comunication skills and I haven't really been in touch with people and in the end it turned into a never ending cycle of I'm gonna post-but no one's gonna care-but I should at least say hi-whatever,just hang on tumblr and the only person I actually talked to was my mom, my cats and my best friend.
So I'm trying, because even though I really suck at people I really don't like feeling isolated like this.

I have started learning Swedish cause I am planning of moving up there. It's going slowly cause I'm doing it on my own. in2lalaland has sent me a variety of books in Swedish and that's making me move my ass in learning cause I'm too damn curious for my own good and I wanna know what they're about. ^_^

I have signed up for the Sam/Steve exchange on tumblr and that's going awesomly.

My current writing list:
-Clint/Coulson pining fic
-Sam/Steve exchange fic
-5 times Sam couldn’t sleep
-Sam/Bucky hooker fic
-Sam crossdressing fic
-Rodney/John serial killers fic

I will post some of my photos from Sweden soon, I still haven't gotten through all of them to clean them out cause there are SO MANY.

Hope you're all having a nice beginning of spring.

about me, writing

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