Feel gooooooood.....

Jun 22, 2012 22:38

So, I'm getting ready for my week with in2lalaland who is coming to visit in about two weeks and I am so excited about it, you guys. We've met two years ago when I was drooling over her Gundam Wing fics and now I consider her my beast friend. And now we'll finally meet in person which is...wow.

Now there are cats to take care of, return the books to the library, pack, wrap up some pressies that I couldn't afford mailing and go swimming while I'm waiting for July 2nd.

Also, I am so very excited about my marvel_bang story. I have some world building to figure out and sketch and there are some minor scenes that I have to plot out, but I feel so, so good about this story. ^_^ And I already made it into a universe actually, with at least two other stories and that feels amazing. I don't know the last time I've been this excited about a story. ^_^

The weather here is pure hell. The heat is exhausting, but tomorrow I am so going swimming. I mean, I have a beach ten minutes from my house by foot. I should take advantage of that, right? ^_^

Don't worry gottalovev, your story will be done soon, it's coming along nicely. ^_^

And also, would you mind giving me some prompts guys? Just to write some things when I'm no doing the bang? Pretty please. These are the fandoms and Characters I'm most comfortable writing at this point, so... ^_^ Or something from my old stories.

Fandoms: The Avengers (Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Steve, Tony), Final Fantasy 8 (Seifer, Zell), The Losers (Cougar, Jensen), XMFC (Charles, Erik, Hank, Alex), Bandom (My Chem, Panic, The Young Veins)

Thanks guys!! Have a nice long weekend!!

musings, writing

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