(no subject)

Mar 29, 2012 16:31

Why are people afraid of books? I mean, today, I've been walking to the library and carrying four big books (2500 pages all together) and people kept looking at me like I'm insane. Why is it so shocking that I might actually like reading something that's thicker that your average magazine? Most of the time I'm actually used to the looks I get cause I've been getting them since high school, but even the librarians have been looking at me funny.

Also. I am sick and tired of people looking at me with pity when they realize that I am 26 and not married and don't have at least two kids at home. Because that's what you're supposed to do here in the middle of the Balkan. It is demeaning and annoying and tiring. I wouldn't mind having kids at some point in my life, nor do I have much against marriage itself, but. I still have to find someone worth tying myself to for the rest of my life and someone I can trust enough to be the father of my kids. I thougth I found someone like that once and I was wrong so thank you very much I do not want to repeat my mistake.
And besides, I'm not the kind of person who would have a kid just so I could brag and say that I did it. I like my life (maybe not so much at this point when everything is gone to hell, but you know.) and I don't need a husband or a kid to make it better.
I'm not trying to insult anyone who is married with kids, but I resent that there are people who consider my life a faliure just because I'm not.

Okay, ranting done. ^_^ Sorry, I got a bit carried away. It's been a sucky, completely wasted beginning of the week so I'm kind of touchy. And you know, PMS. *headdesk*

So here is a short list of my WIPs all of them still untitled cause I leave that for when the story is done:

The Losers:
-Cougar/Jensen, werewolf AU, Plotted out
-Cougar/Jensen, High school AU, mostly plotted out
-Cougar/Jensen 3 5+1, plotted out and started

The Avengers:
-Steve/Tony, Slave!fic, 2000 words so far and not an end in sight
-Steve/Tony, about 5 PWPs and domestic ficlets
-Clint/Coulson, 2 5+1 fics, plotted out and started
-Steve/Tony, model!Steve, plotted out
-Clint/Coulson, about 5 short stories, plotted out

Star Trek:
-Kirk/McCoy, 2 ficlets

X-Men:First Class:
-Alex/Hank, 2 ficlets

I know there are some things that I missed, but this are the ones that are in my head the most. If anyone has any wishes on which of these to push and write faster, feel free to let me know. ^_^.

Now I go home and write. I have no more job inteviews this week so I can sit in the garden and write while the kittens sleep around me. It's soothing. ^_^

Have a nice day people.

musings, writing

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