Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince

Jul 01, 2009 16:56

Well, the trailers look amazing, cant wait to see it - had my email yesterday to say tickets are now available for booking, so will be running down to the cinema after work to book them!!

Anyone else looking forward to it?

It's been ages since I've read it - I'll have to dust the books off in my book shelf and try to read it again before it's released!

I've been really good, and havent seen any spoilers, other than the trailers, so it's really exciting :D Cant wait!!

In other news, I've finally got round to booking my motorbike test - training is on the 12th of this month, and then module 1 is on the 14th (day before HP!!) - once I've passed module 1, the off road section, they will then let me book the second half, which is the actual on the road test. I'm pretty confident, particularly as I've now had a go on Alex's bike, and it isnt anywhere near as heavy/scary as I thought it would be :D

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