Sep 08, 2005 01:32
lovedrug tonight was intense.
they're so good.
they played a bunch of new songs which i didn't know though.
it was a bummer.
but still really awesome.
days away surprised and impressed me.
their drummer is god with a pair of sticks in his hand.
we left before the julianna theory.
school is pretty cool.
i have a bunch of cool teachers.
i have the perfect combination of classes with kids i know and kids i don't.
im looking forward to the weekend.
two guesses for what im doing.
i watched a kickass game of tennis tonight with my mom.
Agassi ended up beating James Blake in a tie breaker after he was down two sets.
fuck that bastard.
i'll kill him.
anyone ever eat swordfish?
i hate capitalizing the letter 'i'.
fuck that bitch.
it's not cool enough for me to go through the trouble of pressing shift.
but apparently it's important enough for me
to go through the trouble of dedicating an entire paragraph to it.
haha. i suck.