come on alex!!

Jul 15, 2005 01:49

i think its safe to say that we can thank
anarchists for the teddy bear.

those bastards.

i wish i could think of a band name as cool as the Arcade Fire.
i read this article on them in which they said that
they used to tell people they were
called the arcade fire because there was a fire in the arcade
in their town growing up, and they were the only survivors.

it was all a lie though.
how funny is that?


anyway, back to those damn anarchists.

President William McKinley was assassinated by a
Mr. Leon Czolgosz. Czolgosz happened to be an anarchist
who viewed Mckinley as the oppressor of the working class, ect, ect.

So, after Mckinley died, who should take over his post but Teddy Roosevelt.

You know the rest. Teddy becomes the
second most popular Roosevelt ever to hold office,
and gets a stuffed bear named after him.

all thanks to a crazy, mother-fucking anarchist named Leon Czolgosz.

we salute you.

Lately, I'm finding I'm the book,
and you are the binding.
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