Hey everyone! After going over the schedule I decided that the best time to hold the SnB is Saturday at 4pm until either interest peters out or our room switches over to party mode.
I'm hoping to give the max number of people the chance to be involved, which is why I'm shooting for Saturday.
If you're interested, please e-mail me at erythfyre at gmail dot com with a reliable way to get in touch with you on Thursday. This is the day I'll be checking in and getting my room number, and I'll need a way to tell everyone where we'll be. I will also make a note to myself to post to the general contact bulletin board under 'S' for 'Stitch n' Bitch'
Everyone who does some kind of fiber craft is invited -- knitting, crocheting, sewing, cross stitch, weaving, spinning, etc. Also, anyone who might be interested in trying out a stitchy-type craft is welcome to drop by and see what we're up to. Bring supplies if you have them, beginners! I'll try to throw some spare stuff in my bag but I think we're already full of cargo up to the gills in my car!
Usually when these things are held locally people typically bring a drink or a snack to share. I know at cons space and funds can be limited so if you can bring something to share, great! If not, no worries -- our hands will probably be too busy to snack much anyway. ;)
Finally, if there's enough interest, I might be able to hold a second SnB on Sunday afternoon. I'm not sure how many people who are interested would be departing Sunday morning, but if there are enough people hanging around Sunday afternoon we might do a reprise. Again, if there's interest.
So it's been a long time since I've planned anything bigger than a trip to the grocery store, so if I'm forgetting some important information, doing something in a dumb way, etc., please let me know! I want this to be a fun and painless hang-out type thing. Any help you'd like to offer in making it so is much appreciated!
Thanks again guys!
(x-posted to