My internet is being so ungodly slow. I kicked the router already. I don't know what it is.
I think the winter blahs have well and truly set in here. That combined with being broke (I mean like, cents-to-my-name broke) has kept me indoors most of the time lately.
Technically I'm supposed to be working at Blockbuster but they haven't had the hours to give me and trying to get them is like pulling teeth. I really have to question if it's worth the $8.15 an hour. But since my unemployment benefits are ending soon I think the answer to that question is probably "Yes." I keep looking for other jobs but nothing is turning up. It might be time to re-activate my file with the temp agency for whatever they can find me. Ugh.
To keep my mind off the lack of job and money I've been knitting and playing a lot of Little Big Planet. I can't get far in LBP because that bomb bit is so twitchy (stupid physics engine), but last night I knitted this while watching Prince Caspian with the usual suspects:
Much smaller and more fitted than the previous incarnation and does not give me the strange "mushroom head" look. It's becoming more tempting to frog the first, too-large version to reclaim the pretty yarn and remake it in a size that fits. Do you think I should rip it all out and re-do it?
I'm trying to decide what my next project should be. Leg warmers? Arm warmers? Learning how to cable? Learning how to do Fair Isle or intarsia (had to stop and google around to remember the damn word)? A dreaded pair of socks? I mean, just the phrase 'turning the heel' strikes fear deep into my advanced-beginner heart... Or maybe I should take the lovely linen I have and do a lacework shawl? Anything that doesn't involve copious amounts of K2 P2 is okay right now, as I just did two ribbed projects back to back and flipping the yarn every 2 stitches got VERY tedious indeed...
I also have books aplenty, things on the DVR and movies to watch.
I've finished up to #9 of the Fables trade paperbacks, and I've read all of Preacher. Hilary wants me to pick up Y next, but I thought I'd give Sandman a 4th go-round and see if I can't catch on this time.
It's odd -- I was in a bit of a foul mood when I stared this entry. I had to wander over to Ravelry at one point to look up the term 'intarsia' and while I was there I stumbled across the profile of one of my downstairs neighbors from college. I got hooked into her projects and her blog and was instantly taken by all the things she professed to hate, right off the bat, before talking about what she actually LIKED. It seemed to fit her personality. I decided I didn't feel like hating anything all that much, as it's just a wasted effort. I mean, self-striping yarns and boucle and meat and tofurkey will continue to exist whether she hates them or not, so why bother pointing it out. Besides, I like self-striping yarns, meat and boucle and I've never had tofurky, so who cares?
Anyway, after that long digression I'm resolved to go off and do something I LIKE, because it makes me feel, well, if not happy, at least content.
Also, school starts soon but I'm leaving that box of anxiety closed for now. :)