Jul 22, 2006 15:38
Boyfriends are awesome.
They do awesome things like help your father drag a dishwasher up three flights of fire-escape stairs. Then, even though they are tired they assist with more awesomeness by helping you move furniture around your apartment.
It's also particularly awesome when boyfriends like your parents and your parents like your boyfriend and everyone goes home happy.
The only vague downside was that DirecTV called to cancel installation today, so I am still without the idiot box. Maybe I'll catch up on Buffy or something, as boyfriend has skibbled off for tonight and possibly tomorrow too to hang with the guys. Whatever. I'm holding some of his clothes hostage in my washing machine so he has to come back some time. ;)
Yep, boyfriends are totally handy. And squishy and snuggly and just downright good to have around.