Damn. Being Human just totally sucked me in. Been watching it really late Saturday night the past few weeks and whatever ep just aired on BBC America was like "SPLORSH! You've been sucked in! Enjoy!"
Does splorsh sound like a good sucking sound?
Anyhoo, I went online to see if there is a series 2 and totally read spoilers for the rest of the series 1. By accident! Oh well, I actually find myself looking forward to it. I kind of love George and his big George ears. This is just the kind of summer tv I've been looking for.
It must have been the summer of 1998* I was at home from college and we'd just got The WB. Online X-file friends were hosting Buffy the Vampire Slayer chats and kept bugging me to watch Buffy. Since it was boring summer tv and there was no YouTube, no Netflix....well The WB playing multiple Buffy eps every week was perfect!
If I remember right they'd play an episode on Monday and Tuesday, sometimes two a night to get people caught up to Tuesday night being Buffy night. I was watching season 1 and 2 out of order, but I didn't care because Spike was cute and Angelus was evil some of the time. My mom, now a devotee of BTVS, would mock me and go wash dishes when I watched. I have a distinct memory of running into the kitchen after Buffy sent Angel to hell screaming "OH MY GOD! That was so EVIL! I LOVE THIS SHOW!" Buffy & Angel is/was/forever will be wicked barfy to me, so the turn of Joss's evil mind was unbelievably awesome!
Somewhere in the midst of this I had a phone conversation with my dear friend
mariadeira. We were talking and there was a bit of a pause and I blurted out "I have a horrible confession!" I am pretty sure I said "horrible" and Maria of course was worried I was on the drugs or hooking I am sure!
"What?" she asked.
"I've started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer," dramatic pause, "and I like it!"
"Me too!" she responded and we then had what I am sure was an expensive phone call because who had anytime/anywhere minutes back then.
*The only reason I can remember it was 1998 is because the Scooby Gang graduated from Sunnydale High School the same year me and Maria graduated from college. That was 1999 so since it was the summer before season 3 it must be 1998! Yes, how far I have come from a show I didn't want to watch and had to be bored into and now a show I measure time and milestones by!