Jul 14, 2007 09:27
though we wish it wouldn't. It's hard to believe, but I think I enjoyed the "fated" PV even less than "glitter". While the first part had a paint-by-numbers plotline, at least it was easy to follow, whereas "fated" feels disjointed and rushed. After one date, suddenly they're crazy in love and kissing in the rain? And then getting married? And then, oops, he dies in a motorcycle crash, apparently on the way to their wedding?! oy ... I don't know whether watching the full-length movie will help clarify the plot points or just disappoint me further. One plus is Ayu's super-cute cheongsam look at the press conference. But then she goes freaking out because she dropped a glass of water. Shit happens, dear, you don't need your bodyguard to deal with some spilled water.
On JPM, people are suspicious that Ayu's announcement of her breakup with Tomoya is being timed to coincide with the single's release. Which I think is overly cynical, but I wouldn't put anything past avex and company. Utada announced her divorce the same week as "Flavor of Life" came out, and it ended up selling more than her previous four singles combined. hmm... is Koda in a relationship? "Freaky"'s sales could use some juicing up.