Title: Midpoint
Rating: PG
Summary: Somewhere between beginning and end, Demyx reflects- but not for long.
It occurs to Demyx every now and then that he’s in the middle of something that he doesn’t really remember beginning.
Sometimes when he sits beside Zexion in some far distant corner of the Castle, chatting away to him about this and that, he wonders, when did I first do this? When was the first time he sat and listened? When did he stop telling me to shut up or go away?
Sometimes when he pulls back from heated kisses and looks at the face in front of him through half closed eyes, he thinks, when did we first do this? How did this first happen? Who started it?
And sometimes when they lie tangled together, slumped one on top of the other or collapsed side by side, and Demyx is caught up in the slightly numb haze of fading pleasure, he looks at Zexion’s still flushed face and body and wonders, who made the first move the first time? What triggered it exactly- was something said, did something happen? When did we decide to make it an ongoing thing?
The details are mostly lost now, swallowed up by time passing and bigger events happening since. It doesn’t really bother Demyx- he’s never really been one to live in the past, not when there’s so much demanding his attention in the present. So he shrugs to himself, puts the questions to one side and sets out again to enjoy this arrangement- he’s not quite sure ‘relationship’ can be right, given the whole ‘no hearts’ thing, but whatever- for what it is.
He never spares a thought for how it might end.