Title: Shards
Rating: G
Summary: Two parts don't always make a whole.
They cling together where they stand; one hunched dark mass in the middle of the white, white room, a stark interruption in all that emptiness. Arms are wrapped too tightly, hands gripping waists, sides, shoulders, hair, anything to pull them closer. Ribs ache; lungs are crushed and breathing is shallow as they hold fast and faster still, as if they're trying to merge with one another. Blonde hair will melt into slate; grey eyes will dissolve into green; and they'll bleed into each other and become one, something more, something better than the shells they are now and the people they once were.
It's impossible, of course. Sooner or later they'll let go and go their separate ways, only to come back together again later and hold each other as they do now. They'll sit or stand or lie, maybe here, maybe elsewhere, entwined as they are now, trying to piece together something that can't be and that never really was to begin with: two shards of glass, all jagged, ill-fitting edges, searching for a whole that might never come and trying to find comfort in each other in the meantime.
And yet, somehow, it'll all seem worth it, if only for a little while, if only for the sensation of another heart next to them beating without feeling, yet aching to do so all the same.