Dear Lit folks (and other qualitative analysts):
What do you all think of the use of Google search returns as a cultural text? I mean the search return itself - not as the departure point for other research.
I'm handing out the following (or something similar) to my practical criticism class, and could use a bit of feedback.
Using Google Search Results as a Source for Cultural Context Research
Using a Metasource as a Cultural Text
The output from a search engine (like Google) is a metasource - that is, the output document is a source of sources. Usually, we use this output as a jumping-off point for further research. However, it can be useful to critically analyze the output itself as a cultural text. The output document can function as a snapshot of what contemporary culture thinks of a particular subject or search string. Because Google conducts the search when the query is made, the results are as contemporary as we can get.
Search Bias
Bias isn’t inherently bad as long as the researcher acknowledges and accounts for it in his or her analysis. It’s important to remember that the search results are tailored to the language of the search terms themselves. If the language used in the search is jargon (scientific, academic, or otherwise), the search results will reflect that bias. If the language used in the search is vernacular and reflects popular culture, the resulting output will tend to echo this.
Beware of Tangents
Because of the sheer volume of data present on the web, even narrow searches can return many different interpretations and ideas from many different sources. It’s important to keep your thesis in mind and not veer off on tangents.
...much obliged. I'm also planning on serving up some actual google searches to demonstrate search language bias. The overall theme is the Gentleman in American pop culture.
Academic Bias:
gawain western hero archetypePop Bias:
george bush cowboy In other news: El Niño is serving up hail storms and hard frosts this week. Humboldt is alternating between freeze/thaw/soak/sun. Thanksgiving was a whirlwind tour through the East Bay , and a side trip down to Santa Cruz for some mini-golf and boardwalk action with a bunch of crazed portuguese.