May 30, 2014 13:29
Posting here because I have too many friends on Facebook who have kids that fall into this and I'm not looking for an argument, just looking to vent a little.
Seriously, when did it become a thing for pre-K aka pre-school and Kindergarten kids to wear a cap and gown (complete with stole in some cases) and get a diploma when they "graduate"? I use graduate verry loosely.
I believe, back in the day, we may have gotten a cookie, a pat on the head, and to play on the big playground. Same when we moved from 3rd to 4th grade - maybe an end of the year ice cream bar or something and to play on the bigger playground. And because I went to school before there was middle school (6-8 grade) hello Jr. High, we went from 6th grade to 7th (and a new school/Jr High)...we got a pool party and the neighborhood swim club. We did graduate from 8th grade and there was a ceremony where the girls wore long dresses (hey, it was the 70's) and the guys wore ties - no cap and gown.
The cap and gown was reserved for high school and college. Same with the diploma. (Though there may have been one for Jr. High, again, it was the 70's/almost 40 years ago, ack!)
I guess this is all part of the everyone gets a trophy culture (another rant for another day) that has taken over - nothing is special, nothing is earned, nothing to work for or look forward to...
ETA: apparently I only post on the 30th day of odd numbered months in 2014. See you in July? ;o)