Repulsion Vid: The Amazing Sounds of Orgy [VVC Brand New Classic Hits '13]

Aug 22, 2013 12:25

Song: The Amazing Sounds of Orgy
Artist: Radiohead
Source: Repulsion dir. Roman Polanski
Warnings: Sexual violence
Links: download (hd) | streaming (hd) | tumblr

Summary: So glad you're mine...

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I want to see you smile again
Like diamonds in the dust
The amazing sound of the killing hordes
The day the banks collapse on us

Cease this endless chattering
Like everything is fine
When sorry is not good enough
Sit in the back while no-one drives

So glad, so glad you're mine
So glad, so glad you're mine
So glad, so glad you're mine
So glad, so glad you're mine

Check the memories for more vids and other fun things.

vids: movie vids, vidder: hollywoodgrrl, vids

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