Timestamps! Timestamps! *grabby hands* Let's see now...
2. I just loooove that Giller's matched with the girls with dyed black hair lyrics hahahaha! HE MADE THIS VID HAPPEN! Those are the lyrics that are troublesome, and yet he matched PERFECTLY! GILLAH! ♥
4. 1:45+ Ohai I see you doing something clever here! Did Kahlan just Confess Jennsen? Playing on Jennsen being Rahl's sister? (Oh man I hope I'm not reading this all wrong :P Heeee! Well you know what they say about art. Once it's out of my hands you do what you will with it, and this is one hella creative extrapolation! I love your interpretation, but alas it's moar deep than I intended. ;) I simply wanted to play off the lyrics and show everyone passing on info to Rahl, in the case of Jennsen it's that Kahlan is a super orsome Confessor. But you let it mean what you want it to mean! (I just refuse to believe that Penis Rahl had secks with Jennsen's mom dos times.)
5. 2:28+!!!!!!!!!! Orden/crypt magic crossfade! AS;DLKFL:SDJ;S It's like they're both orgasm-inducing magics!!! (I was telling hjea how it's like the Boxes of Orden are almost like a porn!tardis where they time-travel to spiritworld sex!) OMFG WHERE'S THE FIC?! I wants it BAAAADLY!!! I needs it!!!!1
I totally reckon at 2:46 when Kahlan puts on the Rada'Han she does it to stop her from Confessing which she reckons is kinda evil like Rahl and kinda hot like Rahl, and then she writes him this note saying "I'm quitting you, you dastardly evil man who turns me on! Quitting you and quitting my powers!" and then Rahl gets srsly emo and has to have painful fun with his Mord'Sith to try forget Kahlan. ...AM I CLOSE?? :PPPPP OMG KAHLAN TOTES WROTE, "I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU!" Ack! LOL pls never stop being awesome! Your interpretations are DIVINE!
3:15 Rahl and dark!Kahlan with their knives!!! AKJFBSKDBFK;SBDF;KJB;JBLB'LJB THIS IS MY PERSONAL FAVE MOMENT OF VID. Well and the end. ;)
The take-everything-and-give-nothing-back, gone-to-the-dark-side sort of uber-tortured Kahlan that we all know is lurking just beneath the surface! Would NOT be surprised at all if she had secret desires for Rahl because she felt her powers were super dark and she kinda felt he complimented her. AMEN, SISTER!!! Srsly, it's why this worked. Because she's such a badass mofo deep down inside. And especially because her powers stem from lurv. That shit is DARK.
Anyway I wrote you back quite the novel. I'M JUST THRILLED YOU ENJOYED and I didn't over-hype it for ya lol!!! ♥♥♥
BUT WAIT I'M NOT FINISHED YET! :DDDD ... *half the audience leaves*
4. Are you sure you didn't do that subconsciously!? Cuz look at the set design of Kahlan's approaching Confession shot, then look at the matching set design of Jennsen's shots! SAMESAME! And then with the split-screen! Kahlan's like ‘I'm gonna get choo!’ That's just freaking awesome. I totes thought you were doing that scarily spot-on scene-matching thing you do, haha! Subconsciously. Defs!
(I just refuse to believe that Penis Rahl had secks with Jennsen's mom dos times.) Heheheheheee, good point!
Also, after more rewatchings (...I kinda didn't go to bed right away :P): 8. Your vid poster is freaking sweet as, and clever, and sexy in naughty lip-ways and I want a wallpaper of it. 9. ARGH THE FIRST 30 SECONDS IS LIKE KAHLAN'S GREATEST HITS!!! You totes chose all the best bits, it's so much fun to watch XD 10. I'm still not over 0:28 at all. Cannot believe how hot that is. I think it might also be the 3-part zoom as well, how the camera shot doesn't stop moving in, coupled with the song lyrics starting. DRAWING ME IN. OH SO MUCH! 11. 1:27 eye shots. O YOU. ...I think you have an eye-fetish! Esp after watching your Ashes to Ashes vid. Windows to the soul. 12 1:53 Where Rahl does his finger flick thing, and then argh they drag Kahlan away and whack her on the slab AND THEN SHE'S PREGNANT ARGH. Cuz the other half of my Kahlan-Confesses-Jennsen storyline that you totally did without knowing it was that Kahlan did it to prove to Rahl that she's dark enough to be his match, so then she rocks up at his palace all like ‘see, I Confessor your own sister, now ravish me’ and well yeh, he does :P
...This vid is so open to interpretation!!! IT'S JUST SO *EXPLETIVE* AWESOME! Totally worth the hype *hugs for days*
4. Tbh the idea for that section was based on ep 1x21 in which they used all those masks on the various Jennsen shots and I went, "LOL mask! I can has too. I make her be telling about Kahlan to Rahlsies, yes?" So there you have it. But I shall not resist the awesome of subconscious vidding. It is a thing!
8. Your vid poster is freaking sweet as, and clever, and sexy in naughty lip-ways and I want a wallpaper of it. Eeeeee! SCARRRRR! Also heh, I was so mad at it cuz I thought it was fail. GLAD TO KNOW IT'S NOT! :D
10. I'm still not over 0:28 at all. Cannot believe how hot that is. I think it might also be the 3-part zoom as well, how the camera shot doesn't stop moving in, coupled with the song lyrics starting. DRAWING ME IN. OH SO MUCH! Mmmmm BB don't stop! Srsly, you speaking such intense vidding talk does things to me. ;) It's the weird echoey thing with the lyrics coupled with the 3-part zoom (that went through some manipulation). All culminating in an intro of HAWT. Movement is so sexy. ;)
11. 1:27 eye shots. O YOU. ...I think you have an eye-fetish! Esp after watching your Ashes to Ashes vid. Windows to the soul. OMG MY SEKRIT IS OUT!!!! Haha! Hey, if the show provides the gorgeous eye shots I'm all, "MINE! GIMME!" :P
12 1:53 Where Rahl does his finger flick thing, and then argh they drag Kahlan away and whack her on the slab AND THEN SHE'S PREGNANT ARGH. Cuz the other half of my Kahlan-Confesses-Jennsen storyline that you totally did without knowing it was that Kahlan did it to prove to Rahl that she's dark enough to be his match, so then she rocks up at his palace all like ‘see, I Confessor your own sister, now ravish me’ and well yeh, he does :P First of all POINTS TO YOU for getting the juxtaposition of those shots. YES I WENT TO THERE! AND I LOVED IT! Now in terms of the story...OMG DO NOT STOP BEING AWESOME!!! I won't even bother writing my intentions because your interpretations amuse me way too much. <333333
...This vid is so open to interpretation!!! IT'S JUST SO *EXPLETIVE* AWESOME! Totally worth the hype *hugs for days* EEEEEEEEE!!!!!! THANKOO BB! I SQUISH YOU EXTRA HARD TONITE! *squish*
Timestamps! Timestamps! *grabby hands* Let's see now...
2. I just loooove that Giller's matched with the girls with dyed black hair lyrics hahahaha!
HE MADE THIS VID HAPPEN! Those are the lyrics that are troublesome, and yet he matched PERFECTLY! GILLAH! ♥
4. 1:45+ Ohai I see you doing something clever here! Did Kahlan just Confess Jennsen? Playing on Jennsen being Rahl's sister? (Oh man I hope I'm not reading this all wrong :P
Heeee! Well you know what they say about art. Once it's out of my hands you do what you will with it, and this is one hella creative extrapolation! I love your interpretation, but alas it's moar deep than I intended. ;) I simply wanted to play off the lyrics and show everyone passing on info to Rahl, in the case of Jennsen it's that Kahlan is a super orsome Confessor. But you let it mean what you want it to mean! (I just refuse to believe that Penis Rahl had secks with Jennsen's mom dos times.)
5. 2:28+!!!!!!!!!! Orden/crypt magic crossfade! AS;DLKFL:SDJ;S It's like they're both orgasm-inducing magics!!! (I was telling hjea how it's like the Boxes of Orden are almost like a porn!tardis where they time-travel to spiritworld sex!)
OMFG WHERE'S THE FIC?! I wants it BAAAADLY!!! I needs it!!!!1
I totally reckon at 2:46 when Kahlan puts on the Rada'Han she does it to stop her from Confessing which she reckons is kinda evil like Rahl and kinda hot like Rahl, and then she writes him this note saying "I'm quitting you, you dastardly evil man who turns me on! Quitting you and quitting my powers!" and then Rahl gets srsly emo and has to have painful fun with his Mord'Sith to try forget Kahlan. ...AM I CLOSE?? :PPPPP
OMG KAHLAN TOTES WROTE, "I WISH I KNEW HOW TO QUIT YOU!" Ack! LOL pls never stop being awesome! Your interpretations are DIVINE!
3:15 Rahl and dark!Kahlan with their knives!!!
The take-everything-and-give-nothing-back, gone-to-the-dark-side sort of uber-tortured Kahlan that we all know is lurking just beneath the surface! Would NOT be surprised at all if she had secret desires for Rahl because she felt her powers were super dark and she kinda felt he complimented her.
AMEN, SISTER!!! Srsly, it's why this worked. Because she's such a badass mofo deep down inside. And especially because her powers stem from lurv. That shit is DARK.
Anyway I wrote you back quite the novel. I'M JUST THRILLED YOU ENJOYED and I didn't over-hype it for ya lol!!! ♥♥♥
4. Are you sure you didn't do that subconsciously!? Cuz look at the set design of Kahlan's approaching Confession shot, then look at the matching set design of Jennsen's shots! SAMESAME! And then with the split-screen! Kahlan's like ‘I'm gonna get choo!’ That's just freaking awesome. I totes thought you were doing that scarily spot-on scene-matching thing you do, haha! Subconsciously. Defs!
(I just refuse to believe that Penis Rahl had secks with Jennsen's mom dos times.)
Heheheheheee, good point!
Also, after more rewatchings (...I kinda didn't go to bed right away :P):
8. Your vid poster is freaking sweet as, and clever, and sexy in naughty lip-ways and I want a wallpaper of it.
9. ARGH THE FIRST 30 SECONDS IS LIKE KAHLAN'S GREATEST HITS!!! You totes chose all the best bits, it's so much fun to watch XD
10. I'm still not over 0:28 at all. Cannot believe how hot that is. I think it might also be the 3-part zoom as well, how the camera shot doesn't stop moving in, coupled with the song lyrics starting. DRAWING ME IN. OH SO MUCH!
11. 1:27 eye shots. O YOU. ...I think you have an eye-fetish! Esp after watching your Ashes to Ashes vid. Windows to the soul.
12 1:53 Where Rahl does his finger flick thing, and then argh they drag Kahlan away and whack her on the slab AND THEN SHE'S PREGNANT ARGH. Cuz the other half of my Kahlan-Confesses-Jennsen storyline that you totally did without knowing it was that Kahlan did it to prove to Rahl that she's dark enough to be his match, so then she rocks up at his palace all like ‘see, I Confessor your own sister, now ravish me’ and well yeh, he does :P
...This vid is so open to interpretation!!! IT'S JUST SO *EXPLETIVE* AWESOME! Totally worth the hype *hugs for days*
4. Tbh the idea for that section was based on ep 1x21 in which they used all those masks on the various Jennsen shots and I went, "LOL mask! I can has too. I make her be telling about Kahlan to Rahlsies, yes?" So there you have it. But I shall not resist the awesome of subconscious vidding. It is a thing!
8. Your vid poster is freaking sweet as, and clever, and sexy in naughty lip-ways and I want a wallpaper of it.
Eeeeee! SCARRRRR! Also heh, I was so mad at it cuz I thought it was fail. GLAD TO KNOW IT'S NOT! :D
10. I'm still not over 0:28 at all. Cannot believe how hot that is. I think it might also be the 3-part zoom as well, how the camera shot doesn't stop moving in, coupled with the song lyrics starting. DRAWING ME IN. OH SO MUCH!
Mmmmm BB don't stop! Srsly, you speaking such intense vidding talk does things to me. ;) It's the weird echoey thing with the lyrics coupled with the 3-part zoom (that went through some manipulation). All culminating in an intro of HAWT. Movement is so sexy. ;)
11. 1:27 eye shots. O YOU. ...I think you have an eye-fetish! Esp after watching your Ashes to Ashes vid. Windows to the soul.
OMG MY SEKRIT IS OUT!!!! Haha! Hey, if the show provides the gorgeous eye shots I'm all, "MINE! GIMME!" :P
12 1:53 Where Rahl does his finger flick thing, and then argh they drag Kahlan away and whack her on the slab AND THEN SHE'S PREGNANT ARGH. Cuz the other half of my Kahlan-Confesses-Jennsen storyline that you totally did without knowing it was that Kahlan did it to prove to Rahl that she's dark enough to be his match, so then she rocks up at his palace all like ‘see, I Confessor your own sister, now ravish me’ and well yeh, he does :P
First of all POINTS TO YOU for getting the juxtaposition of those shots. YES I WENT TO THERE! AND I LOVED IT! Now in terms of the story...OMG DO NOT STOP BEING AWESOME!!! I won't even bother writing my intentions because your interpretations amuse me way too much. <333333
...This vid is so open to interpretation!!! IT'S JUST SO *EXPLETIVE* AWESOME! Totally worth the hype *hugs for days*
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