They should get Optimus Prime to protect Earth against the Terminators

Jun 27, 2009 13:55

The Terminators, badass as they are, are so small that it'll be like an elephant stompin' on some rats. :D

Good show, good acting, much action, but the Terminator is all about Arnold Schwarznegger (sp??), so T2 still remains safely as the iconic best in the series (ignoring the abberration that was "Rise of the Machines"). I notice that recent movies tend to focus more on the action than they do on the characters, which is precisely why Star Wars ep IV, V and VI is still so much more endearing than the latter prequels.

Back to Terminator Salvation.

Again, I'm happy to see that the A-10s were put into good use. Unlike other sci-fi shows, in this show, current day technology still has a real effect on futuristic adversaries. Which does make sense actually. If you as a current day soldier, equipped with Kevlar body armour, and a scoped SAR-21 rifle, and you and your similarly-equipped section mates were suddenly teleported into the distant past where you're caught in a battle of hordes of barbarians charging at you, you think you're going to be invincible? (For an example of this, I highly recommend that you watch the Korean movie Cheon Gun - Heaven's Soldiers).

Right. I digress again. Terminator Salvation.

I wonder: How is it that the humans are able to have an intact air force? Given the incredible technology the bad guys must have, wouldn't SkyNet have been able to seek out and nuke these air bases? And how difficult would it be to seek out and destroy remnants of human civilisation? At least in the Matrix, the humans hid underground. In Salvation, they hid inside an abandoned gas station! Even with current-day technology, you could pick out human presence using infra-red or thermal imagers.

film & tv bitchin'

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