Updating and Shtuff

May 25, 2009 13:25

Okay, now for a quick update. I'm having one of those days where I'm totally beat but have so much to get done. So, let's get to it.

First, for your amusement, this weekend was my good friend Ed's big 3-0 birthday. We went to a local Mexican restaurant which has actual good Mexican food! At $25 a small plate, it damn well better be. Why is this amusing, you ask? Oh, just look:

Yes, it may be impossible for me to do a serious picture. Ever.
At least Sharon thought my Beaker Spock was mildly entertaining. Also, Ed is in that first pic there. Why don't you go give him some Made-It-To-Thirty-Atta-Boy love and visit his most excellent site HYPERGEEK. It's probably one of the best written comic nerd sites on ze internets. Big thanks to Ed's lovely better half Chrissy for the awesome pictures. We had a great time!

For Ed's birthday my gift was the gift of not vomiting on him.

In other news, the first comic I have adapted (i.e. took the translation and re-wrote it so it makes more sense to a native English speaking audience, etc), THE SPARK, got a great review over at A Comic Book Review. Thanks, Sam! get your orders in for the Spark soon as it lands in fine comic shops come September (just in time for my birthday!).

Hey, looking for a great comic for your mobile device? Or just tor read in general? Go check out this new GUN STREET GIRL offering, The Jealous Dead!:

Be sure to read the 4 page preview!!

Speaking of Wicker Man Studios stuff, I'll be tormenting the world populous with my prose writings soon. Yes, that's right, I'm writing a story. It's about vampires, or my take on them anyway, and it'll be in 1200+ word weekly or bi-weekly installments. A couple artist friends of mine have already said they'd contribute sketches for the installments, too, so I hope folks enjoy it! Or don't want to stab be in the eyes after breaking my hands, as the case may be. Look for it in June. Don't worry, I'll let you know.

The first ten page story of SORGON (my version of Roland with Rolf, and amazing artist) will be done next month as well, it looks like. SECRET CROSS is chugging along with Dominic kicking serious ass on the first 12 pages and colourist Jeff Balke knocking it out of the park. You can also expect an 8 page SALVUS short sometime in the near future. Of course, more is going on. It always is.

The kids are well and we had an exhausting weekend, full of parks, beaches and soccer. I was kinda bummed I missed going to the beach on Saturday due to recording a new Comics on Comics Radio podcast, but the bright side is we got to talk to Scott Allie (Dark Horse editor on Buffy and Hellboy, writes Solomon Kane) for the afternoon. He rules, by the way.

And just so you know: Rex Mundi is not being canceled. Dark Horse is still seeing the book through until the end and still plan on giving it lots of love.

For those of you who've made it this far, there's good news on my mom. While it is confirmed she does have lymphoma, she apparently is in the small percentage who have a high survivability rate. Currently tests are being done on something else, too, and we're hoping it isn't bad. My mom is a tough ol' gal, and she's trying to keep her spirits up. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit downed by it... she is my mama, after all. Hopefully we can see her soon.

Alrighty, I think I've squeezed in enough for one post. How are you all doing? Keeping a fresh supply of baby hearts, I pray.

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