Hey, fellow dorks! As you may know,
GamePro recently published a top 26 Best RPGs list.
Now, their list is, by all accounts... horrible.
But whatever. That's them. We're us.
You know, the rest of reality.
My buddy
marc17 has a good point about compiling a better list. And you know what? I should.
No. WE should.
That's right, WE should do it. You, me, and anyone else who wants to throw in.
You down? Cool. And the list will go on my
grognerd blog, to be linked here, of course. Commentary on your choices is welcome, as well.
Criteria is as follows: It has to be a Computer Roleplaying Game. If you pick an MMO or Action-rpg (like Diablo), you MUST justify why it belongs on this Best Of list.
I still haven't decided if it will be Top 25 or 50, but 50 will be easy if we do individual games instead of game series.
Other criteria can be established if the need arises.
There you go! Have at it. I'll start by listing off some, in no particular order:
Planescape: Torment
Fallout 2
The Bard's Tale
The Bard's tale II
Ultima III
Ultima IV
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale II
Neverwinter Nights
Pool of Radiance
Secret of the Silver Blades
Phantasy Star
Dwarf Fortress
Knights of the Old Republic
Freedom Force
Whew! There's more, to be sure! Have at it.
If I had to pick an MMO for the list, it would be Everquest... even though I was more of a UO guy. If you pick a very new game (like Fallout 3), be sure to back up why it should be added to the list of greats!
Oh, yeah, and I really should say this, though nothing has happened to make me-- still, it must be said: For fook's sake, please keep it civil. Be cool, and if you're not use lots of winky faces or something. I know how folks can get with this sort of thing and this is all in fun. Mmmmkay?
Let's rock.