Howdy ho, peoples!
ORCUSVILLE deals with Orcus and Velia's talk following the season 4 premiere of Battlestar Galactica. Just click on this snip to enjoy
Many Copies, One Beard:
Then you may want to
read Orcus' new blog entry, where he short-reviews three comics: Battlestar Glactica Origins: Baltar #4, Army of Darkness & Xena: Why Not? #1, and the Jenny Finn: Doom Messiah TPB
For a direct LJ Friendslist hook-up, please add
On a personal note: Even though I totally slammed on Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters #1, I can happily say #2 is a vast improvement. I love being shown what-for sometimes. :)
As for my thoughts on BSG Season 4, Ep 1: Awesome. This is the best episode of BSG yet. Although I still feel the same about the previous two season (mostly "eh"), I've accepted the story so far and having done so I was able to mega-enjoy last night's installment. In fact, it's leaps and bounds better than the last two seasons combined storytelling-wise. Bravo, BSG team!
How did everyone else like the ep????