Im n teh howse, waitin 2 invade

Jul 24, 2007 23:58

This last weekend was a lot of fun. After a mad packing job, we had a couple of loaders come over on Saturday morning to load our stuff into the moving truck. Turns out one of them didn't know he was working or fogot he was. Which seemed to make sense, considering how hung-over he was. He did little work, even though we fed him yummy sammiches and loaded him up on bottle water and Emergen C. At least he seemed somewhat grateful... when he could let us know between naps. The other guy, who's moving business it was, was very professional, courteous, and quite frankly a loading machine. He was pissed about his compatriot, but he hid it well. He managed to do 95% of the work in about 5 or so hours. needless to say he only charged us for 2.

After that, a few friends showed up to hang in out near-empty home... Just when I thought they were it, about 20 more people popped on by. I'm actually glad no one else came because we were packed with that many folks... And we were loud, too. Good times were had, and the last people left after 3 or 4 am.

Instead of sleeping, like I wanted to, I stayed up to finsih packing the truck and car (which was being towed for transpo back). Then I helped my Dad hitch the Tercel and off he and my wife were to Victoria to have our stuff placed in storage. They eventually returned some 12 or so hours later.

Meanwhile, my old buddy Malachi was in town taking care of some stuff with a friend and they stayed over for the night. It was good to see Mal, for it's been quite a few years. we drank beer and ate pizza that my mom inisted on having me order. Once again, good times.

Since we have to sell our mini-van (thanks, Downtown Toyota, you non-informing MOTHERFUCKERS), we're having to pack a few boxes to ship... Which sucks. We also have to get rid of all our cabinets and book shelves (anyone need some fo' free? they is nice (update: they is gone)). The bright side is that we have a house to ship them to... The house? Glad you asked. It's like 2500 or so square feet (or something like that), 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, massive 2 car garage---

And then Livejournal went out, and the above is what was saved. Brilliant. Still, better than nothing. I have no idea what I said next... Hmmm...

So, yeah, the house we got in Victoria is also on a hill in a nice neighbourhood and there's also an guest suite with it's on kitchen area (for you future visitors).

Sharon sold the van. The dealership screwed us as best they could. But this comes as no surprise, as car salesmen are scum, just like politicians and most lawyers. Just part of the job. the only thing that pissed me off s how my wife was treated at times. It seems that they just didn't trust us to write a check for the rather large monetary difference after they decided on a the paltry sum they were buying back the van for. Sharon really enjoyed being treated like a potential criminal in a moderately rude and insulting way. I guess her spotless record (on everything) means dick to them. We understood where they we coming from, but they didn't have to be smug assholes. Don't worry, we'll probably bitch to someone.

Anyhow, bright side is that we don't have to use the Tercel to move the last of the stuff along with us. Provided I don't die in a tragic airplane disaster or am killed by some rabid JBF member on a crusade against journo scum such as myself (what? WHAT? :D) at SDCC, we'll be heading to Canadia in a large rented van.

Not that long to go until the Con for me. It's gonna be fun.

I'd like to thank all of our awesome friends for showing up on Saturday. It was a killer partay. You guys rule...

family, moving, friends, sdcc

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