Jun 26, 2006 22:15
You know what's funny?
When the non-townhome neighbours a little ways on the other side of us complain about our dog barking at them... as they set off firecrackers from now until 1am... 2 weeks before and after the 4th.
Man. I hate fireworks for that very reason.
Lizzy wouldn't bark at those fuckers if they didn't set off M-80s at night.
Yes, I let Lizzy bark.
For once it's like music to my ears.
I make sure I let Lizzy out to pee when they light 'em off at 1-2AM.
Apparently, she ruins their fun.
(Upon hearing their vocal complaints, I loudly offered them to come over so I could hear them better. Nary a peep in response. Whatever.)
Also, how do these families afford all these fireworks?
And they complain about debt?
That's America for you, I guess.
'We beat the Belgians for our independence and stuff!'
(I give them too much credit, even as a joke, as most Americans don't even know what 'Belgian' means... 'Maybe a waffle thing... on MySpace?' So, why they would replace the word 'British' with it is beyond me. Though I did overhear someone at a store the other day talking about how the British were a bunch of pussy liberals and that's how we were able to beat them... you know, sometime like 100 years ago. I weep for our kids future)
Gawddamned retards. I love it when people bring up the Revolutionary War in response to me wanting it a bit quieter. Yeah. Like you were THERE. Those rich bastards that planned it and executed it using poor folk as fodder for their financial & power agendas totally remember you and yours. Yeah, man, YOU and George Washington. Like =this=.