Mar 09, 2012 20:42
I am always super busy - that is no surprise with 5 children, a long To-Do list, and many blogs that I do have and don’t post often enough in (I don’t know how many to be exact, i don’t feel like counting them right now).
I’m still working on my novel, however, very slowly - the one I started for NaNoWriMo. I am more focused on writing the perfect summary/pitch for it and getting a Kickstarter campaign going for it. Trust me, I’d much rather write the story. I entered the NaNoWriMo Pitchapalooza contest for it, but my pitch, unfortunately, was not one of the 25 randomly selected pitches. But at least it got me going on writing the best pitch possible for it. I do plan on turning it into a graphic novel and a tv series. I have to admit that the Twilight graphic novel has gotten me excited to turn my novel into one and the tv series is actually where the story came from. I figured I’d write the novel first then write the series.
I’m also working on getting my website back up. That really needs to get done.
I’m trying to work on a short film with my friend from AAU for a short film contest that ends in March. One character/one location - simple, engaging, and thought provoking, and shows that we can tell a damn good story. I bought two new video cameras and NEED to use them, so the hubby and I want to make a film. Still working on an idea for that - I’m thinking Memento meets Donnie Darko.
I am having this really bad urge to draw and paint. And have dedicated fridays as art friday. I basically broke my calendar down and each day I work on something in particular. This is the first week and so far I’ve failed to do the things I was supposed to on their designated days. I will try again next week, I guess. Thinking about taking a painting class to hone my painting skills.
The last five weeks I have been doing Six Sentence Sunday, using my novel for material. And I love it. I have so much fun crafting paragraphs into 6 sentences. So that is a keeper and something I have to do every week. I just have to make time to comment on others’ posts, so that maybe they will comment on mine and build a fan base.
I’m thinking about dropping everything for the month of April and doing ScriptFrenzy, rewriting one of my scripts. If I go back to grad school next year, I won’t be doing anything, so now is the time.
Speaking of school, I have to plan out my next few months if I really am going to do my midpoint review over the summer. The thesis book has to be done by July. Which doe entail me making a film for my portfolio and figuring if I want to stay as a screenwriting focus or switch to directing. I also need to re-read all my film books and know it all, I’m not screwing around if I go back.
I need to do some photo work, give myself a new project and get all the pics off of my camera. i took many fall leaves shots, but have yet to do anything with them. I know the 6×6 deadline back in Rochester is coming up. Image City doesn’t have any juried shows right now. I need to look around Atlanta for calls for entiries. I thought about signing up for a show at the cafe I hang out at, but I don’t know how far out the wait is and if I want to bother with having to come here for it, if I were to move to another city. Moving is always a possibility, hopefully Cali.
I’m working on trying to organize my computers and have apps in my browsers for everything I use as far as websites, but so far it seems to slow my browser down and I don’t have that many apps. I figure if I could just click a button and be brought to fbook, tumblr, etc., it would be helpful.
Other thoughts for projects that I have been playing with are a fashion line based on music/movies/tv. Each article of clothing would be titled after a song or something. I did this once with My Chemical Romance songs and created this beautiful dress that was inspired by a line in their lyrics. 30STM would be the first line, since I have been listening to them a lot lately. I also got a twitter account for writing twitter length vampire stories, which should be fun. I also want to write more short vampire erotica stories - oh, you know it will sell :) I shouldn’t be mentioning it, but I am working on an adult vampire themed site, so the erotica will work well for it. As a business woman, I’m actually quite proud to say I own an adult website (no I’m not on it, I just own it) because I know it will bring in lots $ and then I can have a budget to shoot a film and hire a nanny.
Other things: the hubby told me about a site called Skillshare, where you teach classes in person wherever you want. Thinking about putting a few together to put up on there; specifically screenwriting. I’ve always wanted to teach and this is a good start to build my teaching resume. I also in the future want to start a digital filmmaking school website, teaching film online with paid classes and free tutorials and such, kinda like Digital Photography School. I also need to figure out what tattoos/piercings I want. My #5 has stopped nursing, so now I can focus on my body art! I’m excited to have my body back and have a feeling that most tattoos will be lyric/some kind of text inspired. I’m writer, its only natural to have words tattooed on me :)
I was thinking of applying for an arts and crafts instructor at Zoo Atlanta for their summer camp. As of today the position was still open and I have every qualification they have listed. Its a toss up because I want to go back to work, but then my older boys are home on summer break too, so I would need to figure something out for them - although my oldest probably wouldn’t mind being away from me for most of the summer, he is going through the “parents are not cool” phase. i wonder if they could go to work with me and be my assistants.
Sorry, this post is everywhere, but so is my brain, there is a lot to catch up on.