Cat Nap (Dream and Story by me)

Nov 26, 2007 19:06

First I was at a school
With Roxanne and we
were looking at old art
that we made forever ago.
And there was one she made.
It was a clay sculpture of her
an a cat on a bench that was outside.
Then I was trying to find my bus home.
and I had to walk home coz It left w/o me.

Apparently I lived at a mall/ mansion
as a servent person.
And I went to go shopping.
And everyone there was real
preppy and snotty, I guess.
I was all decked out gothy, lyke the old days
and when I went into a store everyone staired.
and acted lyke assholes to me.
I got pissed, and told them off or something.

I guess some kind of war broke out,
coz the place was getting bombed
and everyone went nuts.
Somehow it ended up being my fault.
and the owner/boss guy was looking for me.
I was running and running, and then

Then I met this girl, she was lyke
Half dead or something.(from the bombing)
and she told me the way out. She said,
"to escape, go through this vent
and the you must climb the highest
tower and to the farthest room. Go under the
love seat at the far left. You'll find a pizza box.
Get what is inside DON'T FORGET!
Then you can climb out the window
to the right in the crawl space onto the roof.
You must follow my directions exact if
you want to live. Now go!" And she died..

I turned around to see the boss
(Okay at this point I turn out to be a cat thing)
So then I flee up the air vent thing.
Which means he's too big to follow me.
And has to take the stairs. So I run.
Up inside this air vent  thing untill
It ends up in the highest room in the tower.
I go to the lastest room onside the tower.
and there's not much inside. Just a love seat,
some boxes pilled up a table, in front of a window.

So, I reach under the love seat and find
This pizza box, I open it. And I see
these Swatsticas inside. And a stack of
1,000 bills in Asian American money.
so, I pocket that, and dash for the window.
I can hear the boss right behind me now.
I'm on the roof. (good thing Imma cat now, huh?)
And I'm running, Relizing that she never
told me where to go after getting to the roof.
so, I think on my feet as I'm running and I jump.

Right off of the roof, into this Chinese looking resort.
I see people looking out they're window at me.
(It's a man and two women, one older. mother I spose)
And I scream for help. (That's right, I'm a talking cat)
They look scared of me and try to ignnor me.
So, I break they're window and jump inside.
They look mad aswell as shocked at me.
And I tell them to hide me please, I will pay them.
But As I explain that All I have is the money I found
inside of the mansion, the man looks at me wide eyed.

At this point I think I really screwed up,
by plainly saying I stole the money.
But he takes one from me and looks at it.
"My god..." he says. and smiles, and calls on his phone.
I think I'm really out of luck now. I can tell it's the cops.
And then the boss guy gets to the house and sees me.
"I damand that back" he tells them (Talking about me)
The man hold up a bill and says, "I don't think so.."
He smiles. And winks at me, symbolizing everything will be fine.
Just then the police show up, I hide behind the man.
Looking at him confused, he explains as the
cops hand cuff the boss, and pat him down.
"Now let me explain the situation for you, boss man.
You, are going away for a long, long time.
You see, this bill, it symbolizes the old union.
One of which still operates underground.
And this," pointing to the Swatstica on the bill
"is how I relized you sir, are the big boss behind it all."
And something aboiut laundering money.
I was still confused, but being away from him
was alright with me. They hauled him into the car, and off to jail.

The family looked at me, and the women looked at him.
"Well, I guess we could always have another cat around"
They smiled and hugged him.
(Other cats? I have never seen other cats..)
The man teaches me some martial arts.
Says I need to protect myself. And soon
he teaches me the power of healing.
Saying something about being chosen.
Every night, I sleep inside on a large
constructed scratching post, with pillows.
I never see another cat, this worries me..
Into thinking they maybe eat cats,
or use them for rituals of some sort.
The feeling goes away and once
again, I am falling asleep in this heaven.

I wake to see the man brewing tea.
"Ahh" he says to me smiling, "Today,
you will go outside, and stay"
I don't understand what I did..
I haven't been outside in years..
The closest is the inside garden
with an openable roof top.
As kind as he had been,
I didn't refuse, and outside I went.

Feeling sad and abandoned,
I look up to see millions of cats.
All with they're own city, right there
in the back yard! How did I miss that?
Joyful, as I have never see any other cats.
Not even back at the mall, ever.
a bell starts to ring. (wonder what that's for?)
All the cats gather into the largest bilding
in the center of the town. I follow.
cats start to stair at me. Relizing as
large as this town is, they don't recognise me.
I continue to follow, a little slunked down now.
I get inside and it turns out to be a stage room.
Cats begine to whisper and star more. Oh no.
I relize I had no clothes. Being a normal house cat,
I had no need for them. How embarrasing.
Well, I always carry my bag with me. Phew!
i grabbed my old clothing out of it. Hmm.
I feel a little nervous about wearing my
old clothes. Everyone used to look at me weird.
But at this point clothes are clothes, right?
So, I put them on. and looking around,
I fit in pretty nicely. Everyone fairly matching
a simular style of what I had on.
Oh, I just can't wait to shop here.

The whispers stop gradually.
And I start to make my way through the crowd.
I sit next to a group of cats. They seem to let me.
So, I ask one, "Uhm. So what's this all about?"
She looks at me in shock "WHAT? are you serious?"
Feeling dumb I reply, "Yes.." She looks at me
to see if I am joking, "You are serious! where you from?"
Nervously, "Uhh. Inside the house?" Shakes her head,
"Naw, before the house. we're all from the house."
I ponder, "Hmm, uhhh. Oh yeah. um, the old mall that way"
I point twords it. Folding her arms "A working cat huh.
Well,You'll fit in them. I got a job for you now, if you can"
Wanting to fit in I nod, "Yeah, sure. what should I do?"
she points across the room, "See over there?"

I look across the room...And see.. "Britney Spears..?"
She shakes her head, "Yeah everytime she comes here
She gets wasted drunk and acts like a moron.
try to keep her quiet through out the show"
Seemed easy enough. So I walked over to her.
"Uhh, Hi mrs. Spears I'm-" Interupted by a
loud screetching sound from her. She falls
out of her chair, I help her up.  and sit her down.
I tell her the story of how I escaped the mansion/mall.
She starts to shut up, finally. and listen. By the end,
I see she looks interested in my journey. "So, lyke
nazi money? That's what he had? So, that's lyke life, right?
"I shook my head, "Yeah, I guess. He went
for laundering money too." By then I guess she was
sober and she started talking calmly to the guy next to her.
I felt like I finished wmy job, so I walked back and sat.

(Things get blurry about here)

So, the show was some Party Monster
type thing. I didn't pay attention.
Mostly like a talk show thing.

Later, afterwards, some person
tried to attack me, using my skills,
I dodged him, and he just hurt himself.
it must have been some gang or something
Coz the others around him were all mad or something.
So, I took some leave thing and said it healed or something..

They were all amazed...

Something about a robotic dinosaur...

That turns into a bike...

And I think I woke up.

Maybe I should write a story?

lots of typos, i know.

but i'm too lazy to fix them now.


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