After a year and a half of wonderful characters, play, and plots, players and mods together have made the mutual decision that the time has come for us to fade to black on the Symptomology universe.
The decision has not been an easy one to make and all Symptomology members are sad to see the book close on it and will miss the game extensively. However, personal and professional commitments of the players have made it difficult to retain the play consistency we used to have. We feel this is a perfect time to fade as we are going out on a high where all our characters are happy and content and we have a wonderful past of many great plots and scenes under our belts.
Some of our members have chosen to continue writing their characters as independent muses where they have the enjoyment of interacting with a whole other variety of House and non-House characters. Tara, Lachlan and Pat will continue their journey once we fade and you can follow their stories via the following personal character journals (feel free to add them to your f-list to follow):
Tara Brennan-Campbell [
Lachlan Campbell [
Patrick Preston [
A few of our players have also transitioned to a newly-opened panfandom RPG,
etrelibre_rpg if you are interested in following them there.
We all want to thank you extensively for being on board with us and following the many antics our characters have lived through. As we said, we close with a heavy but happy heart that we are seeing the end of an era but also that we have carried on unabated for a year and a half with roleplay we are all proud of and fun interactions both on and off the game. For a small RPG like this, this is a massive achievement and we can walk away pleased with what we have accomplished as a group.
So, with the following character wrap-up, we sign off with a cheers and thanks for joining us on our Symptomology journey - we hope you’ve enjoyed your stay ;)
- Mods & Players
symptomology RPG