moved now marathon

Jan 05, 2011 22:50

So this past weekend the move was finished. For those wanting to know what was going on with that as there was little to no information posted previously. Thesius and I have moved out of the house. I have given everything there over to Kelin as I could not longer afford to stay. We have moved to a house that we are renovating (which is a major task) to get it onto the market by next summer with a little luck. Following this we will then be moving into a 2 bedroom condo (probably about November 2013). The biggest push for all this has been $. Too many bills not enough extra income and just having to cut down and the need to downsize things. So it goes and life moves on. Thankfully the move was fine and things parted on good terms.

Onto the marathon which will be Sunday January 9, 2011. I have been on prep for this for over 2 years, while the last couple months have played hell with my training and odds on I will not do near what I want for time I still should finish and complete a long ago goal I set for myself. As before Thesius and I will be meeting up with SmileeTiger and RukaTiger as we stay at Disney. This time around its a lil extra special for me and owl as it is basically our honeymoon. We didn't really do much after we got married though did have a day of fun, this is the big vacation for that. We are taking a train this time as owl refuses to fly (insert irony comment). The departure is Thursday morning with an arrival at Disney on Friday morning. Costs are actually less then driving or flying for this and we get to relax and other then a train swap in NYC the rest is all same train the way.

Okies that's enough for now, I am sure I will have plenty to post and say when I get back in a week see ya all then with my new Mickey medal. :-)
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