Personal Information
Name: Jolta
Age: 21
Personal LJ: JoltaCat
Email / AIM / MSN: / Jolta Cat
Character Information
Character Name: Seccom Masada Sensei (Space Piano Man)
Fandom: Yume Nikki
Source: Character History: Well, to know Masada’s history would be to know the vague history of Madotsuki, the girl who dreamed him. Madotsuki is in effect, what you might call a ‘hikkikkomori’. It is a condition mostly found in Japan in which a person confines themselves to their room and refuses to come out for anything. It is a fear of the outside world, social interactions, the responsibilities of life. Many people in Japan suffer from this strange social affliction, shutting out the world as best they can, sometimes completely. Madotsuki lives alone. She passes her time in bed, dreaming. Her dream world is extensive, mysterious and often terrifying. In one such facet of the dream world, she dreams about going to bed and dreaming within a dream. This action lead her to a strange staircase, descending into the darkness of a building, fire spouting from it’s door. After extinguishing the fire, she was lead down into a strange room with a door. That door lead to a stranger place indeed; a smooth white place.
And Masada. Upon entering, the room was stark white, lacking decoration save for a table and chairs. A large window in the center of the room made it suddenly apparent that she was actually in a space craft, traveling through space. Below the window sat a piano of great size, and a small, gangly man standing in front of it. Sometimes in the dream she would ignore the man. Other times she would draw her knife and stab him to death as he screamed in agony, though he always came back and seemed to hold no grudge. (He seemed to only approach her when she wore cat ears.) In one such dream she took his bed and slept again in that dream within a dream until she was awoken by the sound of an alarm, only to find dust and debris flying by the front window and Masada in a vague state of panic. In that instance they crash-landed on what appeared to be mars. Though Masada did not accompany her any further, she was lead deep down inside Mars to find only darkness and strange, sad creature, steadily weeping; the heart of Mars.
In a way, Masada represents Madotsuki herself. Closed off from the world, lonely and indifferent. A weak-minded individual with no self-esteem or self confidence. Living in a self-made solitary abyss. Adrift in the loneliest place one could imagine; space. While Masada never actively speaks to Madotsuki and outwardly he almost appears comical and non-threatening, he is a reflection of herself in her own mind. A poor self-image that in effect, leads her to an isolated planet to face what she is deep at heart; a sad, lonely person. Killing Masada in the game (which is an option) would much be like killing herself, which in the end of the game, she does step into the waking world long enough to step off her balcony and end her life.
He did spend some time in Nautilus, though his experiences there were very much forgettable. He did learn how to Bend to some degree, and developed a few preferences here and there. Mostly, he kept to himself unless there was something cat-related involved. Various things were learned, and while they would seem of no importance to most, learning his own name was something of a breakthrough for Masada. It set him apart with a new identity, separate from Madotsuki.
Character Personality: Masada is a man of few words, he seems entirely content to simply stay quiet, leave people alone and in turn, be left alone by people. He is, in effect a representation of a girl’s habits of isolation and social anxieties, and thus, he is cripplingly shy. He rarely says a word, though he is able and fairly eloquent and moderately intelligent. Nothing too special, and far from sagely. He is only driven to words when it is absolutely necessary or utterly important. Mostly any attempt to speak with him is met with weak, incomprehensible mumbling, vague gestures or reluctant acceptance. While he knows right from wrong, he has trouble telling anyone ‘no’ or voicing any sort of disagreement whatsoever. He’s easy to push around, in other words, and while he may not like it, he doesn’t have the mettle to protest or speak out against something he finds upsetting.
His one love in life is his piano. The piano that he had on his space ship, particularly. Any other musical instruments for that matter, he expresses a great interest in. He is most at home in large, open, quiet spaces, preferably empty. He doesn’t seem to need to eat or drink, though he will if it catches his fancy (which it rarely does) or if someone offers, he simply can’t find it in himself to refuse. He’s mostly indifferent to people, almost sad, distant at best. Fearful of some things, a distaste for loud noises or people, and an extreme phobia of sharp objects. Though he does seem to have a strange fondness of anything cat-related.
After his time spent previously in Nautilus, he's developed some preferences and picked up on more words than just his basic vocabulary. He's not dumb by any means, he has thought processes and can read emotions for the most part. He just has difficulty expressing himself. He's proved himself to be a quick study, however. Much like Monoko* (See Ethan's Monoko), he can pick up words and phrases very quickly, mimicking things he hears and will often repeat them ad nauseum regardless of the meaning.
Appearance: He’s a tall, frail lanky man with completely white skin and pitch black, chin-length, stringy hair. He wears all black, plain black slacks, and a black turtleneck, long-sleeve shirt. Not to mention black shoes. The most notable feature is his face; while completely white, he has strange gray eyes, the pupils constantly facing different directions. It’s any wonder how he can navigate, much less see at all for that matter, though somehow he manages. Other than that he has a normal face, if not a little rueful-looking. Despite his rather stark, gangly appearance he does not look threatening in the least. He carries himself with a constant slouch, often fidgeting for lack of anything better to do and to qualm his crippling anxiety (mostly relating to dealing with people).
Powers: None.
First person: [The screen flickers on to show a ghostly-looking creature. Stark white face with subtle features and plain black hair framing it. Two large, gray eyes wander in different directions as he sits there in silence for a moment.
Then- slowly, he begins to take a breath, looking as if he might speak.
...But he seems to decide against it, giving a silent sigh of resignation before he reaches out and gingerly turns off the feed.]
Third Person: This place again.
He has a vague memory of it, but everything always blurs together for him. A dream, or awake. He remembers being alone in this place. without Madotsuki...
There are not as many empty houses now. Everything has color. He finds it difficult to manipulate things like he used to here. He can't remember where he used to stay. Out of some small stroke of fortune, however, he finds one that has not been changed yet. It stands, stark white and empty for the most part.
It is not his ship.
He gives a small sigh, to him, in the overwhelming silence, it echoes.
"Hhh... ah..." Gray eyes drift in opposite directions, and he opens the door and steps inside.
Empty. This will do.
What now?
Does he want to find the people? All the other people? Does he really? All those dreamers...
Masada lays down in the middle of the floor and stares up.
Not yet.
He can almost taste the dream scape, still. A place where she controls everything and nothing. He wonders, quietly, if this will be any different than the last time. If this freedom will last.
What does this freedom mean, anyway?
What is there to be gained?
Does he really want to be like her? God of a contained world?
He wants to see. To learn. To feel things that the Creator felt. Things that mean you are human.
He wants to have dreams. To shape his own reality, his own future. The milky sensation of sleep is just out of reach for him still. The real desire to drift away, he wants a mind. Decisions. Words. Songs.
He wants.
Yes. That's right.
That's what this place means. Desires. Things he has not yet felt, all readily available.
This place...
He wants to stay.