Aug 22, 2010 10:41
[The video opens with an obviously female Kid in a department store. Milling around the ladies lingerie. Rejecting bra after bra when they fail his meticulous test- he's brought measuring tape with him, you know. TO BE CERTAIN THE BRA IS SYMMETRICAL, DUH. At last, he finds a promising one, holds it up. It is black. With a black bow. And black lace.]
This might do very nicely. The bow is perfectly centered. The cups are of equal size and weight. The lace is evenly stitched. [satisfied smile] It took three hours to find, however those three hours were not wasted.
[And now he turns to examine himself in the mirror. Takes the measuring tape to his chest. Looks at his profile from one side, then the other. CONCENTRATING SUPER HARD, HERE. And that's where the feed ends.]
[ooc; gender swap. I APOLOGIZE FOR NOTHING.]
dude looks like a lady,
symmetry is so sexy