Sticky Eyeballs

Oct 16, 2012 07:00

I woke up around 4:27 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep for the longest time. Then I did fall asleep and my alarm went off. I shut the thing off but couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to get up and now I'm regretting it.

I have a job interview -- well, it's just for a temp agency -- at 10:00 today. Hopefully they won't make me take those annoying typing tests.

As I tried to will myself to sleep, I thought of Simcha. It's not like I don't often think of him, not as constantly as I used to, yet there is rarely a day that he doesn't cross my mind, or that I don't talk about him to someone. I guess by now it's something like 77 weeks since he died, or maybe 75. Yesterday I woke up in a grouchy mood and thought I would not be able to kick it, but somehow I did. I spent some time cooking: made brownies, lentil dal and anise cookies (which turned out too sweet; the recipe originally called for honey but I substituted agave). Anyway, I had the inside front door open and when I went into the living room for something or other, Kaspar was sitting there, staring in. I tried to bring him in but as soon as I picked him up, he squiggled and squirmed, so I had to set him down.

So this is, of course, Simcha.

And that's Kaspar. I've been trying to get him to live inside since Simcha died, but he freaks out around Darla. She's calmed down quite a lot. Too much, actually. She needs blood work done. I don't think she's doing that well; she's tired, disheveled a lot, really slowing down (though she has played quite a lot recently with the laser mouse!). I will be surprised if she gets through next year, but I do feel pretty sure she'll make it through this year.

darla, simcha, kaspar

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