Nov 25, 2021 09:39
I am of two minds about the debate over anti-vaxxers vs vaxxers. But mostly what I believe is that those people who choose to NOT get vaccinated are the ones running the risk over those who have gotten the vaccination. Sure, they might carry the virus along with them and pass it around, but that is going to happen no matter who is vaxxed and who is not. The real danger is to those people who cannot be vaccinated due to some health complication that precludes them from those vaccinations. Those people need to be protected from basically everyone, vaxxed or not vaxxed, and will have to be in quarantined environments.
I don't believe there is a scenario where I do not eventually contract the virus. I WILL get it, but because I am vaccinated, and to the best of my ability take precautions, my degree of illness and complications is minimized. There are people out there with natural immunity who won't die from catching the virus, but their spouse, or kids, or parents might not be so lucky. Some of us know that we are not that lucky. I for sure am not.
I do not see a point in preventing unvaccinated people from going back to work because the real risk is to themselves, not those of us who are already vaccinated. Let them assume the risk, and the expense (because Health Insurance companies WILL, without any doubt in my mind, stop covering those who choose to not get vaccinated).
Most of the regulations and inconveniences, at least in my country, appear to me like they are in place to protect those who choose not to protect themselves. That is the bare bones of it. The people who cannot protect themselves need to be protected, but those who decided not to care about that or those at-risk people, need to assume the risk themselves and let the rest of us go about our business and lives. It seems to me they are more than willing to assume the risk, so, let them.
That's my opinion. Take it or leave it. 😑
social commentary