Freedom is not free, unless you only celebrate it

Nov 15, 2021 17:53

Most people who posted and proudly cheered on Social Media, "Thanks to veterans for their service" didn't actually spend so much as a minute in person with one or even bothered to call one on the phone on Veterans Day. They just took the day off from work and BBQed - And probably walked right by a homeless veteran on the street while getting take away food to celebrate what that homeless person did for them.

I am pretty sure they hosted some event or party that they "felt" would be too much for grandpa to handle, so they left him in the nursing home and celebrated his service without him.

Freedom is never free, except (apparently) when you are asked to support and actually honor those who kept you free. It seems to me the cost for freedom is borne by those who DO and not in any way by those who do nothing more than simply benefit.

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