Summary: Sherril has taken an interest in the newfangled technology of moving pictures and made important advances in the field-all so he can create a cinematographic masterpiece starring his own beloved family.
Prompt: 027. Technology
Rated: PG-13 for Sherril
The Rise of the House of Camelot )
Comments 6
Of course, it has to be Sherril who discovers the art of cinematography. ;D It was wonderful. I love every line of this story. <3
And RP really is the death of fiction writing. I know it. -_-
Sherril didn't invent the moving picture, but he seized its potential as soon as he could and developed it for his own twisted ends.
Oh, it's happened to you too? At least I'm not alone. XD In a way I resent the rp for making me write far less.
Sounds like you're really having fun RPing! I will definitely keep watching for more fics, whenever you get the time and energy to post them :)! *clings like a leech*
Of course Sherril would do something like this if he had access to video technology--and the rest of the family would suffer for it! (Except Rhode, of course.)
Rping is a lot of fun, but it's addictive. I really hope to keep writing fics, because I love the Noahs and I loved being prolific for a short period of my life. I do plan to keep working on some, so hopefully I can continue updating, even if it's slower than before.
Thank you for all your comments. They've meant a lot to me. *clings back*
Sherril's experimental film reads like an experimental film! Excellent!
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