Sep 30, 2004 00:02
i don't know what to say my loves. things change. who knows if i'd be brazen enough to post this if i wasn't a tittie bit tipsilicious speaking of titties (god i despise that term but its a beautiful segway) monday night i got my nipples pierced. i figured if i had to take two out (tongue and bellybutton) why not add two more to the ranks. Bobby's taking me to talladega this weekend. how precious. he's masqueraded under this redneck pretense but i know his secret...he's not! andrew(hensley) my love is a bizaro we're drunk and he just cleaned his toilet. anyway back to adoring bobby b/c at 17 roo just isn't up to adoring me anymore....bitter am i? suppose so. i mean really how often does a jaded baby bitch fall in love? roo did what nobody else can/could. and i think i'm at the point of loving bobbby but b/c he's wonderful in general and to me, not b/c i can't help it like w/ the roo. i can be good at inflicting pain but not to him i'm so torn i hurt him, i hurt, i'm happy i'm happy and hope it hurts him but leaves me numb. sometimes i wish i could forget him until the day he's ready, and then i'd hate to hurt the person brave enough to love me.argh interupted by a text message from coleridge who was silly enough to believe i wasn't "seeing anyone" and mascaraded under impressions of friendship, but atleast he was the only one who'd help me move into my dorm where roo and garrett the only males i'd dare count on denied me their masculine muscular abilities ( well maybe not garrett but roo has an undeniably irresistible combination of beauty [that face!] and muscle [that body]) i hate the irrevocable condemnation of love. i fear that on this undeniably and blatant display of alcohol induced honesty i must say farewell my loves. i am a silly girl. and tomorrow i'll prolly hope i didn't post this...forgive me all