For The Sake of Jenova: CH 1

Apr 28, 2007 01:32

YAH! My first Yaoi fic EVER!
Name: For the Sake of Jenova
Rating: M
Pairing: Tseng /Kadaj (Mentioned OCs/Loz, OCs/Yazoo)
Warnings: Non-con, yaoi (duh), Citrus

Just a little casual surprise.
The three young men shot glances over their shoulders, realizing they were surrounded, it set in.
Usually, the Remnants would not think much of a few MPs. However, this time, the stealthier SOLDIERs if Shinra had mildly startled them. Seeing elite SOLDIERs draw their weapons, Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo quickly did the same, preparing to rid themselves of these pests.
Kadaj drew his katana, selecting his first victim. His immaculate, pale pink lips twitched to a slight smile as he glanced to his elder brothers, ready to strike. The muscles of their beautiful bodies tensed beneath black leather, glowing green eyes focused.
The tap of expensive leather shoes upon cold tile.
"I wouldn't advise that" The silver-haired Remnants' attention was instantly diverted. The Wutaiian speaker eyed them with a faint smile.
"You see," His smile became more apparent. "There are about twelve shooters in this room."
The brothers looked around the room, not moving from their place, and discovered that the dark haired Turk was not lying.
"Four. Four for each of you, posted in various locations. Each of you has four snipers aimed at your head."
The man approached them slowly, each tap resounding coldly against the floor. He stopped just three feet from the young men. They now saw a small marking, a small, round, dark ornamentation, black against the Wutaiian's flawless porcelain brow, the amused smile still upon his lips. He stood there before them, almost daring them to speak. Loz, his childlike nature winning over, took the bait.
"Where is mother?" The pout expression upon his strong, handsome face betrayed his innocent nature. He received only nervous looks from his younger brothers. Yazoo, long haired and delicate, actually glared at Loz's foolish boldness.
Loz's comment only elicited a small chuckle from the man before them.
"Would you like to see her?" he asked his voice a tone such as one would use upon a beloved child.
"Bring us to her, or suffer the consequences." Yazoo snarled, and a few strands of his amazing hair falling out of place. He hoped they would ignore his use of the cliche.
"How about we make a little deal? You hand over your weapons and materia, and I will bring you to your dear mother."
"And if we refuse?" Kadaj asked, taking up his role as the leader amongst the three.
"Well, then we will be able to test our new incineration chamber, won't we?"
"You horrid, unthinkable..." Yazoo took hold of his young brother's upper arms, restraining him as he tried to lunge at the man. Once he managed to compose himself, he heard little snuffling noises behind him. Turning his head, he saw that muscular, emotional Loz had begun to cry.
"Don't cry, Loz" Yazoo said, more in a warning tone than the mocking one in which he usually said this. Loz wiped his eyes on his leather sleeves, still sniffling.
Tseng, the Wutaiian, took another step towards them. They understood the situation. This man would not hesitate to destroy Jenova, and her sons knew it. However, they also knew that, unarmed, the Shinra could do anything they pleased with them...
Mother, Kadaj thought, we'll take the risk. You are more important than any of us.
"Loz...Yazoo..." Kadaj whispered, his childish, misleadingly sweet face tilted downward in defeat, "D-Drop your weapons."
"Do it."
The silver weapons clattered loudly as they hit the frigid floor.
Tseng's dark eyes narrowed, glaring at Kadaj.
"It isn't as if we've made much progress if your weapons are there at your feet, not to mention you still have materia."
With expressions of resignation, the clones kicked their weapons over to the black haired assassin before them. Several more clatters sounded as they deposited the removed bangles upon the floor. Slim, elongated hands rustled through pockets, bringing forth spare materia and a few accessories.
Tseng motioned to a young blond woman in a blue suit.
"Yes, sir?"
"Elena, could you be as kind as to take these and put them somewhere out of the way?"
"Yes, sir." With that, Elena walked over and gathered up the weaponry before disappearing down a dark hallway.
As he watched the back of the woman's light blond head fade as she walked away, Kadaj realized that he and his brothers were defenseless. Yes, they were faster, stronger, and better fighters than these Shinra lackeys, but these lackeys had cruel mind games on their side. He knew that if they made one step towards an attack, they would lose all chances of being reunited with their mother.
"Sir, you want us to take them to the holding cell?" a man called from the right side of the room.
"No" Tseng replied, his faint smile again becoming more obvious, "The president has other plans for them."
Other plans? What was that supposed to mean?
Tseng approached the now unarmed brothers without any hesitation visible upon his beautiful face. He stood now only about six inches from Kadaj. Kadaj instantly felt uncomfortable and threatened by the man's proximity, and his brothers seemed to as well, judging on their shallow breathing.
Do not let him see your fear.
He forced himself to look up into the dark eyes of the senior Turk.
"And who could blame him for his other plans?" Tseng's oily tone seemed to strike a terrified chord in Kadaj. His eyes widened in horror as Tseng brought his hand up and rested it upon Kadaj's silky, pale cheek. The young clone shuddered as Tseng brushed his slightly calloused thumb over his soft lips before sliding two fingers between them, running it along the teenage Remnant's teeth. Tseng stepped even closer to Kadaj, forcing his chest against Kadaj's. He brought his other hand up and began to gently comb through the boy's satiny silver hair. Tseng smiled, pressing Kadaj's teeth apart and fingering the inside of his mouth: his tongue, his gums, his cheeks, before Tseng firmly pressed his fingers near the back of Kadaj's throat, causing him to sputter and choke. Tseng's smile grew as he continued to stroke Kadaj's hair in an almost loving fashion.
A powerful, gloved hand rested firmly upon Kadaj's shoulder, pulling him back from the older man's perverse dental/esophageal exam. Loz wrapped his strong arms protectively around his frightened brother.
Tseng slowly drew his now saliva-moistened fingers from Kadaj's mouth.
"What do you think you're doing?" Yazoo yelled angrily, taking hold one of Kadaj's trembling hands.
Tseng retorted with a cold laugh. "I don't think your mother would appreciate your screaming. Ssh." He lightly pressed his still wet fingers against Yazoo's lips, wiping them so that they were thinly coated in Kadaj's saliva. Yazoo flinched in repulsion, turning his head.
"So pretty." Tseng whispered, withdrawing his hand, smiling wickedly.
Kadaj looked over to the officers standing by the wall, their grossly enthralled expressions fixed, with eyes locked hungrily upon him and his brothers, happily reacting to the harassment that they were witnessing. Stupid, stupid, self righteous Shinra perverts. He shivered in Loz's arms.
Yazoo quietly lifted a slender hand to dry his lips, only to be me by a cruel refusal by Tseng.
"Leave it. Don't you dare wipe it off. If you want it off," his eyes narrowed slightly as he laughed, amused by the thought he'd just had, "Then lick it off."
Yazoo seemed satisfied just to leave it.
"Now, boys, I'd like to ask you a few questions." Tseng continued.
"Oh, sure you do." Kadaj glared sullenly at Tseng's feet.
Tseng grabbed tightly onto his arm. Loz grasped him more closely and tried to pull him from Tseng's grip.
Tseng gave Loz a critical look. "Now Loz," His sexy, accented voice slightly patronizing.
"You love your mother, right?" Loz slackened his grip on Kadaj. Tseng nodded curtly in victory. "Yes, I just want to ask you a few questions." Tseng stepped behind them. "If you come without resistance, you needn't worry about Jenova's safety." Loz made a small yelp as Tseng gave his backside a sudden, intrusive grope. Tseng smiled.
"Officers! O'Hara! Charpentier! Come here!" Tseng yelled, the eyes of two SOLDIERs snapped out of their perverse attention, before they walked over to recieve commands.
"Cuff the two older ones." He said roughly, "But" he added, his voice softening, "The little one's mine." He leaned down a bit, pressing closer than ever against Kadaj, before brushing his lips lightly over the young clone's neck. Kadaj's eyes widened as he felt something hard shoved against his hip. He shuddered, making the horrible realization of what it was.
The two officers, O'Hara and Charpentier, cuffed Loz and Yazoo, constantly making "accidental" grabs at them in the process. How could a reach around the front be an accident?
Still pressed closely against him, Tseng gently caught the small hands of the silver haired boy. Stepping behind him, he brought Kadaj's hands behind his back, before transferring them both to one hand. Kadaj whimpered slightly as Tseng moved closer, deliberately forcing the object that had been pressed against Kadaj's hip into the frightened Remnant's captive hands. Tseng shifted his body slightly, rubbing it against Kadaj's lower back. As he locked the cuffs around his slim wrists, Tseng brought his down slightly from Kadaj's wrists to his hands, squeezing them to close around the warm, stiff object.
Kadaj's catlike; emerald eyes began to fill with tears as he gagged in repulsion, Tseng slackened his grip upon Kadaj and stepped away from him, still grinning wickedly.
He looked back to his brothers, their eyes widened in horror at what they had just witnessed, even while the two SOLDIERs laid their hands upon them.
Tseng looked over to the officers detaining Loz and Yazoo.
"Charpentier?" he addressed the burly, hairy-armed man who was in the act of inserting his tongue into Yazoo's ear. "You may take him to room 675. For questioning. “ He added with a laugh. Charpentier chuckled into Yazoo's ear, before re-inserting his tongue. Yazoo's pretty face held a look of pure revulsion.
"O'Hara?" Tseng called o the even burlier, even hairier man who was busy reaching a large, calloused hand into Loz's pants. Loz's frantic sobbing didn't seem to be putting him off in the slightest. "O'Hara, you can have yours in room 560...” Tseng didn't even care to rephrase hid sentence.
"I'll take mine in my office; you boys know what to ask them?"
The two SOLDIERS guffawed loudly, manhandling their victims, shoving them forward, actually causing Yazoo to fall. Charpentier roughly grabbed him by the hair and yanked him to his feet, as Yazoo screamed loudly. Loz was bawling already, and at Yazoo’s fall, he gave an almighty sob of worry for his younger brother.
Kadaj watched, helplessly, as his brothers were dragged down the hallway, being taken to their captors assigned rooms so that the SOLDIERs could...Kadaj didn't even want to think about it.

lemon, jenova, tseng, kadaj, yazoo, advent children, loz, non-con, elena, yaoi

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