You know, it warms my heart to see how thrilled you all are to see me. Really. Bloody school. I think I'm about ready to get out.
In other news, I've finally broken my longest streak without detention ever. Madam Pince wasn't too thrilled with that hex I threw at Jennings as I left the Library earlier. Honestly, I didn't need her attitude - she deserved it as far as I'm concerned.
Oh well, Filch will be glad to see me again, at least.
[Roomies - Mandy]
Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling exceptionally awkward around Mandy right now. I just...I honestly don't know what to say. When something like that happens to your mum...what can you say?
Although I think I have an inkling of what it must have been like for all of you after that London thing last year with Padma and me...
[/Roomies - Mandy]
I don't know what you were expecting.
Maybe Brown can look at your new career path and go, "Oh, that's so great!" and simply look past all that it means, but unlike her, I'm not a fluffheaded idiot, so I can't.
This isn't about being in two different Houses, this is about being on two different sides of a War. One where people are dying. Like one of my roommates' mother.
I believe it wasn't your choice, that you were forced into it. Sure. But I don't know how you can say, if you were forced into that, that you'll be able to keep from doing the horrible things I'm sure they'll ask of you.
Yeah, I'm selfish and think of how things are going to affect me. Glad you've finally realised that. I think I have a right to be when I've, unfortunately got myself in this position where Death Eaters have already done horrible things to my family, and I couldn't stop them if they decided to do anything more. Sure, I had Dad strengthen the wards on our house, but that'll only do so much... It's called self-preservation; I'd've thought a Slytherin would appreciate that.
I don't hate you. I can't hate you - much as I might like to right now. You're my best friend. But you can't think this will be simple. It won't be. I have too much baggage with that group of people. Too much pain where they're involved. I...just don't know. I honestly don't.