Mon, 14:17: RT @ sebasuchanking: I still cannot believe what danger the workers at the nuclear plant have been willing to put themselves into. My adm ...
Mon, 23:20: home now...eatin homemade pizza and listenin to Okuribi~kasou~
Tue, 00:01: readin manga after a 6 months break...fresh breath ^.^
Tue, 00:09: RT @ StewieGriffy: Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Tue, 00:15: if tommorow never comes..we'd have a shitload of spring days ~~~ ^.^
Tue, 00:17: RT @ raekelli: "you think you know who your true friends are? wait until high school and see who is there for you when your (cont) http:/ ...