Nov 09, 2010 21:44
Dear internets people,
You may have noticed that I'm pretty much never ever on LiveJournal any more. My friends list got too big and I was spending too much time online. Being softhearted, I didn't really know how best to go about culling the list, so I just stopped reading LJ at all. Now I might want to start reading again. I thought about starting a new journal entirely, but I like having my name be my username. So instead I'll make you all [help] decide what I should do.
Leave a comment and let me know if 1) you want to read things I post (which I may or may not actually start doing at some point) and 2) if you want me to read things you post. This is also the perfect time to unfriend me if you're itching to clear out your friends list - I probably won't be offended or anything.