Jul 03, 2005 14:12
------------------GENERAL INFO------------------
Starting Time: 2:13
Name: Sylvia
Star Sign: Pisces
School: AMDA
Location: NYC
Colour of eyes: green/brown...ish
------------------HAVE YOU EVER-----------------
Missed school because it was raining: 5th Grade...stupid Trinity
Put a body part on fire for amusement: Not intentionally
Thrown someone in a bonfire: Nah
Been hurt emotionally: Hells yeah
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
Cried during a movie: Not yet
Ever thought an animated character was hot: Tarzan was aight...
Been on stage: Um. Yes.
Been sarcastic: Me?
Shampoo: Matrix.
Soap: Dove Fresh Snow!
Favourite colour: ooh...red and pink and green
Summer/Winter: WINTER
Cartoon Characters: Family Guy, Simpsons, Invader Zim
Drinks: Good ol' h2o
Food: Lobster from Seville!!
Movie: Hedwig, Chicago, Angels in America (If that counts), Closer, Crash
Ice Cream: Rocky Road
School Subject: Musical Theatre
Animal: Sugar Gliders
---------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: hoodie
What color underwear/boxers: Not applicable right now
Eating: Hungry...but not eating
Drinking: nada
Thinking: I wonder when my mail will arrive?
Listening: TiVo going BOOP!
--------------IN THE LAST 24 HOURS------------------
Cried: nope
Met someone new: Nah
Cleaned your room: Haha...that's funny
Drove a car: Yerp
Been pissed off: Not really
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
Yourself: yes
Santa: not the physical santa, but sometimes believing he's real for little kids is fun
Toothfairy: nah
Angels: I have my days
Elves: Only Will Ferrell
Intelligent life in space: I think the surest proof of INTELLIGENT life is the fact that is has not tried to contact us yet.
Ghosts: Maybe
-------------FRIENDS AND LIFE-------------
Do you have a soul mate? Perhaps
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
Do you like anyone? Sill not over the breakup
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Elizabeth
The loudest: Marti
The shyest: Garrit
Who's the weirdest: Lola
Who has seen you cry: Who hasn't? I'm a crier.
When have you cried the most: Probably during my collective time with Cameron
What is the best feeling in the world: Relief
---------------------------ABOUT GUYS (FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT)------------------------
Boxers or briefs: Boxers.
Long or short hair: Short
Six pack or muscular arms: oh don't make me choose.......!!!
Good or bad guy: good, definitely
Hat or No Hat: Depends. The hat looks good on Seth.
Tan or fair: Never thought about it
Rugged or sporty: Never thought about it
Immature or mature: mature but not afraid to have fun and be goofy
Initials of ppl u like: I like lots of people...
Funny or not funny: funny
Cute or sexy: both
----------------ABOUT GIRLS (FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT)------------------------
Regular underwear or thong:
Painted nails or not:
Bra or sports bra:
Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy:
Dark or blonde hair:
Dark or light eyes:
Good or bad girl:
Intelligent or average:
Hair up or down:
Jewelry or none:
Tall or short:
Curly or straight hair:
Pants or dress:
Tan or fair:
Freckles or none:
Accent or Not:
Shy or outgoing:
---------------FOR EVERYONE TO FILL OUT-------------------------
Silver or gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: Diamonds are this girl's best friend
Sunset or sunrise: sunset
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yeah. And a cat when I'm in MD
Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured? Hell yes!
Do you have any piercings? Yes
>>>If yes, what? Over the years, both ears numerous times, my nose twice, and my belly button
Rain, sun or snow: snow!
How is the weather right now: sunny and warm
Do you like cookies? Depends on the cookie
Favorite number(s): I like 13 and 17
Most desirable interest(s): music?
Who won't respond? No one reads my lj anymore, so probably not anyone
Ending time: 2:23