What Students Remember

Oct 14, 2013 12:21

The G.O. put up a poster of the Statue of Liberty holding up a torch in each fist. (Why two?  Don't ask.)A closer look showed that they hadn't simply copied and pasted her arm, but reversed it.  I asked who had given Lady Liberty her second arm, and the student was pointed out.

She looked reasonably nervous, as anyone might who had just had a teacher notice something not completely correct.

"I'm so impressed that you didn't just give her two right arms, but one right and one left!"

What a big smile she gave me.  "You taught me that!  Copy, crop, flip and rotate!"

What a big smile I gave back to her, but when the heck did I teach that?  Thought about it all day until I remembered:  I had told my studetns to make a flyer with a star at each corner which had one ray elongated to point to the flyer text.  Stars with random-legth rays would look sloppy.   Instead, they should copy the first star, paste and flip it for the other side.  Then  paste and flip it upside down for the lower corners.

And she remembered!
Here walks a happy teacher.

have a happy, youth today, inspiration

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