Jan 10, 2009 23:34

HELLO EVERYONE. yea, as everyone knows it is the start of a new year and its time i set some goals/resolution for my 2009.

thanks to everyone out there for giving me such a memorable and special 2008 that went by so fast.
its always said that happy times seem to past faster. and 2008 certainly did flew by. i wish i had 48hrs a day. theres so much to do, so many people to meet, and so much to learn.

so, my goals/resolutions.

1. to push my lousy CAP of 2.97 to a 3.5 (minimum)
2. to study harder, by going out less often and spending my time wisely. (thats what a study diary is for)
3. read more books (esp architecture ones, my knowledge is so minimal)
4. focus more on my Japanese (there are dreams to be made REAL)
5. stop procrastinating.
6. have more savings (record what I spent, eat at home more often)
7. juggle the times I spend with my friends, not to neglect any of them, while meeting new ones.
   (friends are really impt, family too, you guys must know i love all of you no matter what)

so yea, thats about all I have for myself this year.

And from 2008, I have learnt...many things. In summary,
always be satisfied of who I am.
Always be myself, express myself, have faith in myself.
I am who I am.
and always be satisfied with what I have.
It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.
I am blessed with what I have.

And since June2008, I have put my mind into something.
Have a long way to go in my architecture course, I will walk till the end. I really have to put my heart to it.
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
I will see it to 2013. (with both mind and heart)

So for 2009,
this year, its is all about giving, discipline, focus and patience.
glad to have an opportunity to be part of YEP09. I want to put a smile on many faces.


and I'm so in love with this song, that it shall be the music for the opening of the new year 2009! :D 万歳!

Performed by: オレンジレンジ
Opening Theme of: 花ざかりの君たちへ
イケナイ太陽 Na Na~
チョットでいいから 見せてくれないか
お前のセクシー・フェロモンで オレ メロメロ
Ah ふれちゃいそう でも イケナイの!
徐々に高なる鼓動 止められないわ
交わす言葉の 記憶遠く 口元の動きに揺れ動く
濡れた髪を撫でた そして Ah~
ABC 続かない そんなんじゃ ダメじゃない
だって ココロの奥は違うんぢゃない?
オレの青春 そんなもんじゃない 熱く奥で果てたいよ
きっと キミじゃなきゃ やだよ オレは イケナイ太陽 Na Na~
「赤い糸」なんて絵空事 でも下心でさえ信じたいの
俺は正しい キミも正しい とにかくもう左右されないゼ
騙し騙され胸うずく 下手な芝居が より盛り上げる夜
息が耳に触れた二人 Ah~
ABC 続かない そんなんじゃ ダメじゃない
だって ココロの奥は違うんぢゃない?
あたしの青春 そんなもんじゃない 熱く奥で果てたいよ
きっと キミじゃなきゃ やだよ あたし イケナイ太陽
交わす言葉の 記憶遠く 口元の動きに揺れ動く
濡れた髪を撫でた そして Ah~
ABC 続かない そんなんじゃ ダメじゃない
だって ココロの奥は違うんぢゃない?
オレの青春 そんなもんじゃない 熱く奥で果てたいよ
きっと キミじゃなきゃ やだよ オレは イケナイ太陽
絡み合う糸は君と 俺を結ぶ赤い糸
Na Na~
Na Na~

2009, resolutions, new year

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