I grabbed this from
kroki_refur ...it sounds like so much fun. The basic principle is in one meme, you post a comment about something YOU created that you are particularly fond of, or proud of. In the second meme, you post a comment about something someone ELSE created that floats your boat, and that you return to again and again. The posts themselves say it better than I could...
From Fleshflutter: "I would like you to comment with a link to a single fannish creation you have produced in SPN fandom: fic, art, vid, batch of icons, meta. Just one piece you have created in this fandom that pleases you personally."
From kellifer-fic: "...But that inspired me to wonder what stories of other people's please you? More specifically:
- What's your go-to story(s)? Those ones you have bookmarked/mem'd/have on a list somewhere and just can read over and over?
- What's that story(s) that hit you like a punch in the gut? Made you say, woah, didn't see that coming?
- What's that story that made you say, yeah, this writer just gets it - just sees the characters the way I do/wrote that story I wanted to/seemingly pried that right out of my head?
- What's that story(s) that first sucked you into a fandom/first story you read in a fandom?"