10 things you might not know about me meme....

Dec 13, 2007 10:33

 I swiped this from

apgeeksout who swiped it from unhobbityhobbit and because it seemed like fun!

Here it is, ten things you might not know about me. Well, 11, because I always overdo.

1.  I sing when I'm happy. Not well, but I sing. I like to sing when I cook, especially.
 2.  I love to go out to breakfast. There's something very decadent about someone else making me french toast. I like it best with   loads of butter and cinnamon and sugar.

3.  I sleep better when I've written that day. I sleep even better when I've written fiction.

4.  Until I was 12, people thought I was a boy. This is in part due to my mother's insistence that I have a pixie haircut. I played it up until I couldn't anymore, and I can tell you for certain that boys are treated differently than girls.

5.  I am allergic to cats and house dust.

6.  I once bought a house built in 1902. It was only 1,200 square feet. I had siding and insulation and new windows put on. Then, I had to caulk the entire thing (by hand), and then paint it and the garage and the outbuilding. Then I couldn't stand to look at it any more, because all it said to me was "work," so I sold it.

7.  I am writing a novel. It's not going very well because the fanfiction is coming much easier.

8.  I am the youngest of four girls. And no matter how old I get, no matter that I'm a card-carrying, mortgage-paying adult, I am always referred to as Baby.

9.  One of my favorite things to do is take roadtrips. I love to drive long distances and sing with the windows down. I recently went through AZ and NM and they have the straightest roads in the country.

10. One of my hobbies (besides fandom) is reading about the Revolutionary War, and in particular anything George Washington did or said. He had a hard row to hoe, that one.

11. I once went on a sail training voyage. You know, where you learn to sail one of those three-masted vessels? I took a ship out of Lunenberg, Nova Scotia. In a fit of enthusiasm, I signed on for five weeks. I managed cold showers, storms at sea, cold bisquits for breakfast, and callouses on my hands and feet. I wore my tuque nonstop. But when the septic tank exploded into the hold, I kind of wanted to get off. Only there was no port. I had to wait. Oh joy. Got off at Newport. Ate lobster. Went home.

life and everything, meme

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