picture credits to HTC Corporation
picture credits to techielobang.com
Selling HTC Snap smartphone on behalf of a friend.
He got it from renewing his contract but still prefers to use his old phone.
So you guys get to have your hands on this w/o having to extend or renew your contract!
Letting go @ SGD 500
It's retailing at SGD 688
This phone is really light and sleek to go with.
http://www.htc.com/sea/product/snap/specification.html More info & reviews here:
http://www.htc.com/asia/press.aspx?id=101250&lang=1033http://www.techgoondu.com/2009/06/05/htc-snap-qwerty-smartphone-debuts-at-s688/http://www.unlawyer.net/?p=1838 Do drop a comment if you're interested =)